Chapter 9

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By the time they got to Jaime's house it was almost 10PM. She wasted no time getting in the kitchen and making Mia a nice home cooked meal. Bruno and Mia went to sit in the living room and quietly watch tv since Jaime's husband and her son were already in bed. Mia didn't feel right having Jaime in the kitchen cooking so late at night but no matter how many times Mia told her it wasn't necessary Jaime had insisted. It didn't take long for a nice aroma to fill the room and shortly after Jaime was calling them in there to eat.

Mia and Bruno walked in the kitchen and Jaime already had two plates served on the table. Her meal of choice, something she called Hawaiian chicken. It was chicken marinated in soy sauce, pineapple juice, brown sugar, and pineapple chunks. Grilled and served over a bed of white rice. It hadn't taken her long to make but it looked delicious.

Mi looked at Jaime. "Thank you for doing this. I feel really bad that you were in here cooking this late at night just because I'm here. But I do appreciate it. It looks and smells delicious."

Bruno pulled Mia's seat out for her and said "Oh, and it is most certainly delicious. Thanks Jaime. I appreciate it also."

Jaime smiled at both of them. "It's my pleasure. Now, I'm gonna let you two enjoy that. I'll see you two in the morning. I'm going to bed. Good night! Oh and Mia, don't fee bad. Like I said, it was my pleasure."

Mia gave her a kind smile. "Thanks Jaime. Good night."

Bruno took his seat next to Mia and turned to look at Jaime. "Night sis. Thanks again." Jaime smiled and nodded and disappeared down the hall. Bruno turned his attention back to Mia. Her eyes were already on him. He smiled at her and said "What?"

She smiled back and said "Nothing. I'm just happy to be here with you. I've really missed you."

Bruno's smile widened. "I've missed you too my love." He reached for her hand and kissed it. "You should really eat. I promise you're going to love it. It's one of my favorite dishes Jaime makes. Then we're going to bed because I have an adventurous day planned for you tomorrow."

Mia nodded her head and lifted her fork to eat. She hadn't even thought about food before, but now that she had some in front of her she realized just how hungry she really was. She took a bite and all the flavors rushes her tastebuds. It was quite possibly one of the best things she had ever eaten. Or maybe it was the fact that she was so hungry. "You're right. It's delicious." Bruno nodded his head and smiled as he took a bite also. "Can I ask about the adventurous day you have planned?" she asked him.

Bruno shook his head. "No, it's a surprise. I'm not telling you anything baby girl." He grinned at her ready for whatever reasoning she was going to give him for knowing what they would be doing. He knew her well.

"But how will I know how to dress tomorrow if you don't tell me what we're doing?" Mi asked him.

His smile widened. "Just wear something casual and comfortable with sneakers. If there's anything else you may need I'll have it covered." Bruno told her.

Mia pouted. With an answer like that there wasn't much else she could say to get him to tell her where they were going. "Fine!" she said as she took another bite of her meal.

Through the course of the rest of their meal they made small talk and Bruno made her laugh like he always did. She really missed nights like this. When they were done they cleaned up the kitchen and snuggled up together to watch tv until they both fell asleep. It was one of the best nights they'd had in a while and it was just because they were together.

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