Chapter 70

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Two Months Later:

Phil walked into the studio and Bruno sat there with a cup of whiskey in one hand, a cigarette in the other and Natalie straddled in his lap. "Yo B, what the hell are you doing man? We're supposed to be working on finishing this album. We have a deadline to meet!"

Bruno looked at him with glazed over eyes and grinned. "Phil, relax man. I'm having a good time. Ain't that right Natalie?"

Phil shook his head. "Nah! Fuck that! She gotta go?" Phil took Natalie's hand and pulled her off of Bruno. "You gotta bounce!"

Bruno stood up. "Yo, Phil, you gotta relax man! It's all good!" Phil saw something roll off Bruno's lap and hit the ground. He kneeled down and picked up a little plastic bag with a white powdered substance.

"B, what the fuck is this man?" He turns to face Natalie. "This the shit you've been having him do? This what you got him into? I knew you were no damn good! You need to get the fuck out!"

Bruno put his hand on Phil's shoulder. "Yo, Phil, relax man. She's good. We're about to go shopping again aren't we baby?"

Phil pushed Bruno's hand off his shoulder and turned to face him. "Bro! No the fuck you're not! Fuck her! I'm not about to sit back and let you ruin your career over this gold digging bitch! She already done fucked up your marriage B! I'll be damned if I let her fuck anything else up!" He turned back to Natalie. "If you don't get the fuck out, I'll have someone take you out! Lose his fucking number too! You're not about to get shit from him anymore! Believe that!"

Natalie rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse and left. "What the fuck Phil?"

Phil pushed Bruno back into a sitting position. "No! You what the fuck Bruno! You're really sitting here in front of me in the studio high as a mutha fuckin kite and drunk to top it all? B, you lost your wife because of this bitch and you still fucking with her. I guess Mia was right, you weren't sorry. You were just sorry you got caught."

Bruno stood up and pushed Phil. "You fuckin take that back Phil! I am sorry! I never meant to hurt her! I fucked up!"

Phil pushed Bruno back down. "Calm the fuck down and start acting like you're sorry then!" He brought the clear bag with white substance up to Bruno's face. "This shit right here got you fucked up! I know damn well you didn't cheat on Mia while you were one hundred percent sober B! I know that! Because the Bruno I met would never fuckin dare! To that Bruno, Mia was everything! All the fame could go to hell as long as he had Mia! I couldn't figure out what that broad did to get to you B, but now I see."

Bruno tried to snatch it from Phil's hand. "Give it to me Phil. I need that shit. It helps me calm down and forget!"

Phil put it in his pocket. "Damn that B! That shit is what got your life fucked up in the first place. Tell me B, how much money have you lost or misplaced since you started kickin it with Natalie?"

Bruno furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know man. What kind of question is that? You know I like to gamble!"

Phil laughed and shook his head. "She was getting you high and robbing your ass blind B. You lost the love of your life because of it man! Don't try to sit here and act like you're not hurting because I know you are Bruno! I know you! I've seen you in here crying man. Is this how you wanna live B?"

Bruno put his head in his hands and started crying. "Fuck!" He looked up at Phil. "What do I do man?"

Phil placed his hand on Bruno's shoulder. "For starters, you need get all that shit out of your system."

Bruno looked up at Phil with tears in his eyes. "Okay. I need to see her though Phil. I can't do this without her."

Phil sighed. "You know she's in New York right now man. But I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, I'm going to take you home so you can get cleaned up."


Mia sat in her bed at the condo in New York that she was currently sharing with her Dad watching reruns of Sex And The City when her phone rang. She picked it up and saw it was Phil. "Hello?"

There was a pause before Phil started speaking. "Hey Mia, ummm, look I ummm." He let out a huff of air. "Look, I wouldn't be calling you if it wasn't bad. Bruno really needs you right now."

Mis sighed into the phone. "Phil, Bruno is not my responsibility anymore. You know I already filed for divorce. I'm just waiting for the papers to be finalized. If it's bad, call Bernie."

Now it was Phil who sighed into the phone. "Mia, I'm begging you. If there's any chance you still have any amount of love for him in your heart, please come. He needs you more than anything right now."

Mia was quiet for a second. "What's Wrong with him Phil?" She didn't want to go but she couldn't deny that she was worried for him.

"It's bad Mia. Remember how you told me that he seemed off to you the last few months? You said he didn't seem like himself."

Mia nodded but then realized Phil couldn't see her and said "Yes" into the phone.

"Mia, this broad got him into drugs. I just found out today. I found it on him and took it away. It's bad Mia."

Mia felt the tears coming. Mostly because she was mad at herself for not picking up the signs that were so obviously there. "Let me talk to my Dad. I'll be in Los Angeles in the morning."

Phil let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Mia!" He honestly didn't know what he was going to do if she hadn't agreed.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Oh and Phil. Please don't tell him I'm coming." Why she didn't want him to know, she wasn't sure. She just didn't.

"No worries Mia. I won't tell him. See you tomorrow."

Mia hung up the phone and the tears came rolling. How could she miss the signs of him doing drugs? She felt like maybe he had been right. Maybe she hadn't been paying him enough attention. She wiped her face and walked into the living room to talk to her Dad. "Hey Princess! What's going on?"

Mia wanted to cry all over again but she held it together. "Dad, I.... I hate to do this so short notice and I don't want anyone to think I'm taking advantage of the fact that I'm the bosses daughter but something came up and I really need to get back to Los Angeles by tomorrow morning." She hoped he wouldn't ask to many questions because she didn't want to explain.

"Don't worry about that Mia! Is everything okay. Talk to me Princess?"

Mia sighed. "I'm okay Dad. I promise. But I really need to be in LA tomorrow. Just for one day, two tops! I promise I'll tell you more later.

Now it was Gabriel's turn to sigh. "Okay Princess. When you're ready I will drive you to the airport." He wanted to ask more but she hadn't even told him what was going on with Bruno. Every time he asked her about him she just said he was fine. If he wasn't asking about him she never brought him up. He didn't know why she needed to go back to LA but he was sure it had something to do with Bruno.

"Thanks Dad! I appreciate that." She went in her room and about thirty minutes later she was ready to go.

Gabriel drove her to the airport and pulled up to the private jet. He got out and helped her with her things. He gave her a hug and cupped her face in his hands. "Princess I don't know what's going on with you and Bruno. But whatever it is, I hope you two fix it. There's two much love between the two of you to let that go."

Mia smiled at him and went in for another hug. "Thank you Dad. I love you!" She hugged him tight.

"I love you too Princess. Call me as soon as you land."

Mia nodded. "I will Dad."

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