Chapter 81

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Mia was shocked when she walked out to the backyard and saw that there were pink balloons everywhere. "Is it too much?" Bruno's voice sounded from behind her.

She turned around and smiled at him. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you. You always go all out baby." She kissed his cheek.

"That dress looks beautiful on you baby, you look absolutely stunning." She was wearing a pink floral lace off the shoulder maternity maxi dress that Bruno somehow managed to pick out and get delivered to their house in less than a day. Her long hair was down and curled at the ends and she had a minimal amount of makeup on.

(Mia's belly is much smaller than this but this is the dress I wanted her to have so there

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(Mia's belly is much smaller than this but this is the dress I wanted her to have so there. Lol)

"Thank you Bruno. You look really good too." Bruno was wearing a silk shirt the same color as her dress and some black slacks and some black dress shoes. He had been letting his hair grow out so his beautiful curls finished off the look. Mia touched his curls and giggled. "I love when you let your hair grow out."

Bruno smiled. "Oh yeah? I just might let it grow out for you then baby."

She kissed his cheek. "I love the whomp too. You always look good baby."

Bruno chuckled and blushed a little bit. "You better stop baby. We got photos to take and you're over here trying to get me in my feelings."

Mia laughed. "I'm not. I'm just being honest. So what are we doing?"

Bruno took her hand and led her to stand in front of all the pink balloons. "You're gonna love this. Geronimo? Come here boy!" He whistled and Geronimo came running with a pink tie around his neck.

"Oh my goodness Bruno that's so cute!" Mia said excitedly.

"Are we ready to begin?" The photographer asked.

"We are." Bruno said.

They did a few different poses and when they were finished Bruno and Mia looked at them deciding on their favorite one. "Can I get you to send that one to my phone?" Bruno asked the photographer.

"You don't want me to edit it first?"

Bruno shook his head. "Nah. No need. It's perfect just the way it is."

Mia smiled at him. "It is. I love it. Geronimo did so good."

The photographer smiled. "These are great. Thank you for giving me the honor of taking these. If you let me see your phone I can get it on there with my computer." Bruno handed him his phone and he transferred the picture. "All set. I'll give you a call when all the photos are ready."

Bruno shook his hand. "Thank you. We can't wait." Mia shook his hand as well and then he packed up his things and left.

Mia looked around and laughed. "What are we going to do with all these balloons now baby?"

Bruno laughed too. "I guess I didn't think about that. Just leave them. I'll do something with them later. Let's go post this picture." He took Mia's hand and she followed him inside.

When they got inside they both looked at the picture again before he posted it. In the photo the background is filled with pink balloons.  Bruno is kneeling down in front of her with his hands on each side of her kissing her baby bump and you can see he's smiling. One of Mia's hands is over Bruno's and the other hand is holding a little tiara to her belly and she's  smiling down at Bruno. Geronimo is standing in front of them with his little pink tie on and in front of him are blocks that spell out MELODY and his front paws are resting on top of the E and the O. Look at us baby! We look so good as parents to be. G doesn't know what's going on but he was a good sport."

Mai laughed. "I think he knows. They say animals can sense things like this. He's going to be so good with her. You look so happy baby."

Bruno kissed her. "I am so happy Mia. I have no words for how happy I am. Now what do you say we post this picture and stir things up on social media?"

Mia giggled. "Sounds good to me."

Bruno opened up Instagram first and posted the picture. The caption was simple. "Mi Familia. My heart is full." He opened twitter and posted it with the same caption. Almost immediately his phone when crazy with notifications. He chuckled and put his phone on silent. "Let's go get something to eat. We'll read some of these later."

Mia smiled. "Sounds like a great idea. What do you want me to make?"

Bruno shook his head. "You're not making anything. We're going out. We're already dressed anyway. Ryan is here to look out for G. I'm taking my baby out."

Mia raised an eyebrow at him. "You want to go out in public after the bomb you just dropped on social media? Are you sure that's a good idea baby?"

Bruno smiled and kissed her. "I'm sure. I wanna show my babies off." He placed his hand on her belly. "Unless you don't want to?"

Mia placed her hand on his cheek. "Whatever you want is fine with me baby. I do think this dress is a bit much to go out to eat though." She chuckled looking down at the beautiful gown.

"Yeah, well, you know I'm always doing to much. I think you look good baby." Bruno laughed.

Mia laughed with him. "Okay. Let me just get some shoes on and we can go."

They arrived an an Italian restaurant downtown LA and the second Bruno stepped out of the car the cameras were on him. He smiled at everyone and waved and walked around to open Mia's door.

"Bruno! Bruno! How long have you been married?"

"Bruno! How far along is your wife?"

Flashes from cameras where coming left and right. Mia covered her eyes. She wasn't used to this. Usually when she and Bruno went out they were discreet but Bruno wasn't trying to be discreet at all right now. He took her hand in his and smiled. "She's almost five months and all you need to know is that I've been in love with this girl since we were in high school. I married my high school sweetheart." His smile widened and Mia smiled too. She shook her head then leaned in to kiss his cheek.

"Anything to add to that?" They asked Mia.

"I think he covered the important things. Lets just say he's definitely my knight in shining armor. I wouldn't be the person I am today without him." She smiled up at Bruno. "I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. I know he's going to be an amazing Daddy."

Bruno showed his dimpled smile and hugged her before he looked back at the paparazzi. "Now if you'll excuse us, I got a pregnant wife to feed." He chuckled.

"Of course. Thank you for talking to us."

Bruno led Mia inside. "Wow, is that what it's like all the time when people spot you?"

Bruno nodded his head. "Something like that. I think it was a bit more now because of the baby news. But I have a feeling it's going to get crazier than that soon."

She smiled at him. "Yes, because your album is going to wow everyone baby."

Bruno kissed her forehead and smiled at her. "I really don't deserve you baby. You're so good to me."

Mia brought her index finger up to his lips. "Hush. You deserve me baby."

He dipped his head down and kissed her lips. "You deserve it all, you deserve the world and I'm gonna give it to you baby."

Author's Note: Sorry it too so long to update. Honestly, I was kind of in a slump to write because I have so many other ideas for stories floating around in my head for Bruno and I couldn't gather my ideals to focus on this book. But I'm back and I'm hoping to finish this book soon and get started in some of the other ideas I have floating around in my head.

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