Chapter 40

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Bruno pulled up to their destination and turned off the car. "Don't take that off" he told Mia before he opened his door to get out.

"Bruno!!" she said in a pouty voice. He knew her very well because she was definitely about to remove the blindfold.

He chuckled and shook his head then opened the door and got. He hurried around to get her door and then helped her out of the car. He took her hand and led her to the door. He opened it and helped her step inside.

"Bruno where are we? Why is it so quiet?" Mia asked.

Bruno chuckled again. "Relax. I'm going to take the blindfold off okay baby?" Mia nodded her head. "When I take it off I want you to have your eyes closed and then count to three out loud and open them okay?" Mia nodded again and Bruno carefully removed the blindfold from her eyes. He went to find his spot as Mia counted.

"One, two, three." Mia said and slowly opened her eyes.

"Happy Birthday Mia!!" they all yelled. Mia looked around the room at her family. Her cousins, her uncles, her aunt, her grandparents, her dad and Bruno. Bruno and her Dad stood in the front with a banner that said "Happy 18th Birthday Mia!" The room was filled with balloons, streamers and some beautiful flowers. Mia beamed at the beautiful sight of her loved ones around her. They hadn't forgotten her birthday after all.

"Oh my gosh!! You threw me a surprise party?!" She asked stepping towards everyone.

"It was Bruno's idea. A little payback for his surprise party I think." Gabriel said with a grin stepping up and hugging Mia. "Happy Birthday Princess!"

Mia hugged him tight. "Thank you dad." She went around the room hugging everyone as they wished her a happy birthday, saving Bruno for last. "You sir are a big meanie!" She hugged him and Bruno hugged her tight and chuckled.

"At least I didn't make you wait all day like you made me wait. I made your surprise party at lunch time." He had a big grin on his face.

"Touché" Mia said giving him a kiss. "Thank you for this. It means a lot Bruno."

He pulled her in for another hug. "Anything for you baby girl. Mia you deserve the world and I know that your dad can give you that now..... but I promise you Mia, one day I'm going to be able to give it to you too."

Mia hugged him back and squeezed him tight. "Bruno, baby, I don't need you to give me the world. I just need you.... you are my world!"

He smiled down at her and kissed her. "I love you so much Mia. So, so much!"

She smiled back. "I love you too Bruno."

They mingled for a while and then everyone sat at the table to eat. Mia looked around the table at all her loved ones and then at Bruno sitting next to her. Her eyes became watery for this was the first birthday she was spending with so much family around. Never could she have pictured such a perfect day. Bruno looked over at her and saw a tear roll down her cheek. The smile that he had immediately left his face and concern took over. "Hey, baby girl, you okay? What's the matter?" He reached in and wiped her tear. He didn't even notice everyone's eyes were on them now.

Mia smiled at him and nodded her head. "I'm good baby. Nothing is the matter. Everything is perfect Bruno. So perfect and I'm so happy. I owe this to you. If it wasn't for you this wouldn't be happening right now, none of it." More tears rolled down her face, happy tears. "Bruno, you've made things in my life so much better since the very first day I met you. You gave me confidence, strength and so much love Bruno. From you, from your family, from everyone in this room right now. If it wasn't for you, I don't know that I would have all this love right now. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Peter Gene Hernandez and I love you so much!"

Bruno smiled at her as a tear rolled down his cheek. "I love you too Mia Marie Gutierrez and you're the best thing that's ever happened to me too." He planted a quick soft peck on her lips.

Mia smiled at him and wiped the tear on his cheek. "Did you have to use my middle name though?"

Bruno chuckles. "You used my whole name first."

"Fair enough" she said still smiling at him.

"I swear, you two couldn't be any cuter." Mya said breaking up their moment and bringing them back to reality. Bruno and Mia both looked around the room and blushed. They had both gotten lost in each other and forgot anyone else was in the room.

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