Chapter 53

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At the end of the night the Mia and Bruno stood at the front door of her dad's house. The girls were all staying at her Dads tonight and all the men were supposed to go to her uncle Eli's house. They were all ready to go except for Bruno who was all hugged up with Mia. "I don't wanna go with them baby. I'm not trying to have a guys night. I wanna stay with you."

Mia laughed. "I know baby. But you can't see me anymore until tomorrow. You have to go. Go have some fun but not too much. I'll meet you here tomorrow. I'll be the one in the white dress." She grinned at him.

His dimpled smile took over. "I can't wait to see you in that dress baby." He kissed her cheek.

"Well the sooner you get the night over with the sooner it will be tomorrow and we will be saying our "I Do's" baby. So you gotta go."

Bruno pulled her into a hug and whispered in here ear. "Okay baby. But promise me that you will put that sexy ass red dress back on for me again. I don't think it's fair that I don't get to take it off of you tonight and have my way with you."

Mia felt chills go down her body at his words. If the girls weren't rushing her to get inside and the guys weren't rushing Bruno to get in the car she would have snuck him upstairs and let him have his way. "I promise Bruno." She knew she was blushing. She pushed him away from her and laughed. "I can't believe you. Go Bruno!"

Bruno grinned at her and kissed her lips. "Okay, I'll go. I love you baby!"

Mia grinned. "I love you too!"

Bruno was about to step up and give her another kiss when Eric and Ryan pulled him away. "We gotta go little bro." Eric told him.

Mia laughed and waved at him. "I love you!" Bruno yelled.

"I love you too!" Mia yelled back then Tahiti pulled her inside and closed the door.

"Oh my gosh you guys are so cute it's disgusting. Like seriously, you're going to see each other tomorrow. It's literally only a few hours!" Tahiti said and everyone inside laughed.

"Leave them alone. They're just in love." Bernie said but she was laughing too.

"To be young and in love." Marcella, Mia's grandmother said. "You have raised a very fine young man." She told Bernie.

"Thank you. I had the privilege to watch their love bloom. It makes me so happy to see that it hasn't stopped growing." Bernie said pulling Mia into a hug. "I'm so proud of you. You've come a long way from the young girl I first met."

Mia hugged her back. "Thank you. I owe a lot of it to you and Bruno. He was my rock and you were like the mom I didn't have. Without the two of you, I honestly don't know where I'd be right now."

The two of them were crying now and sniffles could be heard around the room. No one really knew all the back story. Mia never told anyone how things were between her and her uncle Eli before Bruno helped fix them. She didn't feel the need to. It was in the past. But even without knowing the story, they could tell by the exchange of words that it had been a long emotional road.


Bruno stood off to the the corner in a room filled with Mia's Dad, her grand father Gabriel, her two uncles, Eli and Gonzalo, her cousin Lalo, her dad's best friend Jose, Jonah, his brother Eric, his dad Pete, and the two men he considered his best friends, Ryan and Phil. They were taking turns playing pool and they were all cracking jokes and laughing. While he was enjoying himself, he wanted nothing more than to be with Mia.

"You good over here man?" Phil asked him.

"I'm good man. I really just don't want to be here to be honest."

Phil nodded. "I know, you wanna be with your lady. Don't worry man, after tomorrow no one will keep you away from her again." Phil joked playfully smacking him on the arm.

"They sure won't!" Bruno laughed. "Thanks Phil."

Phil walked away and Jonah walked up to him. Bruno internally rolled his eyes. "Sup" he said to him.

"I just wanted to say that song you wrote was really good. To be honest, when Mia told me you were a musician, I didn't think you would be that good. I thought she was just doing what girls do and pumping her man up. But I was wrong. I was thoroughly impressed. Mia was right. You're going to blow up big." He paused for a minute. "I can see how much love you two have for each other. You're both very lucky to have one another. It's not an easy thing to find a love like the one you two obviously share. Especially being so young. I just wanted to say I wish you two the best."

Bruno nodded his head. "Thanks. Look, I'm not going to stand here and pretend that I like you. I don't! I saw the way you look at Mia and I don't like it. You're right, we do love each other very much and I'm very lucky to have her. It was a long road but well worth it, she is worth everything. It made us stronger." He took a sip from the cup that was in his hand then started talking again. "I know you're going to be around because you're Jose's son and he's her fathers best friend. I don't want Mia to feel like she can't talk to you. She can. I don't want her to feel like she can't come to you and ask you for help with school stuff if she needs it. I trust her fully to do that. I'm not worried about her ever cheating on me. She's not that kind of girl. However, I don't want her to ever feel like she's been put a position to have to turn you down because you're making a pass at her. So I hope you can respect her and our relationship enough to never put her in that situation. If you can do that, then we're good."

Jonah nodded his head completely understanding where Bruno was coming from. If he was in Bruno's place he would probably be doing the same thing. "I respect you for being up front with me like this. I have no intentions on disrespecting your relationship in any way. You don't even have to worry about that. Besides, if I did, you'd probably be the third person that would want to kick my ass over it. I think I'll go ahead and add her uncle Eli as the fourth. I'm sure there's more I could add. I think I'm going to have to pass
on that." He laughed.

Bruno raised an eyebrow at him with an amused expression on his face. "Who are the two people ahead of me and Eli?"

Jonah nodded in the direction of the two men at the pool table. "My dad and hers."

Bruno let out a chuckle. "Seriously?"

Jonah nodded his head. "Yep."

Bruno was full on laughing now and Jonah laughed with him. "I knew your Pops was a good dude."

Jonah nodded. "He is. He was really happy for Gabe when he told him about Mia and he cares a lot for her. Gabe has nothing but good things to say about you. He has a lot of respect for you so my dad has a lot of respect for you as well. I have to say, I do to. You're a better man than I am. If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't want any other man near Mia."

Bruno shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, if I could keep her with me at all times, I would." He laughed. "But that's just not realistic. Besides, when I make it, I'm going to have to go on tour for extended periods of time. Being away from each other is going to require a lot of trust. If we cant trust each other when we're close, how can we expect to trust each other when we're not?" 

Jonah nodded his head in understanding. " I get that. Still, I don't think I would be able to do it. Respect." He extended his hand out for Bruno to shake.

Bruno nodded his head and shook his hand. "I appreciate that."

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