Chapter 82

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Their dinner was very nice. They were seated in a quiet corner of the restaurant and people respected their privacy and let them enjoy their time together. Upon leaving a few fans stopped them to congratulate them and ask for pictures and autographs but it was nothing as crazy as the paparazzi's that had greeted them outside of the restaurant. When they arrived home they both slipped into some pajamas and curled up on the couch together with little Geronimo by their side to watch some tv. "Hey baby, you wanna read some of the comments on social media?" Bruno asked her.

"We can do that." Mia said.

Bruno pulled out his phone and opened up his twitter. "Okay. Let's see what we got." He said before reading off some of the tweets.


"MELODY! Omg it's perfect!"


"This is the cutest picture ever! Congrats to the both of you!"


"Look how beautiful his wife is!"

"OMG this is adorable! Look how happy Bruno looks! And his wife is glowing"

"That's going to be one cute ass baby!"

"Why can't I be his wife?"

"Y'all! We are getting a little baby Bruno. I know it's a girl but still! Bruno's gonna be a dad y'all!"


Bruno and Mia took a moment to laugh. "Baby your fans love you so much."

Bruno kissed the top of her head. "I'm a very lucky man. I have people of love me and my music and I have you. I couldn't ask for a more perfect life baby."

Mia smiled up at him. "I wouldn't want to share my life with anyone else Bruno. How are we goals though. Just yesterday they didn't even exactly know who I was." Mia laughed.

Bruno laughed too. "We just are baby. Because you're perfect and I love you more than life itself! Plus, we look so good together. Look at that." He said showing her their picture.

Mia laughed and shook her head. "We do look good together. And Geronimo is perfect too."

Geronimo picked his head up and looked at them. "You're a good boy aren't you G?" Bruno said and Geronimo barked. They both laughed and started petting him. This was the happiest they had both been in a while.


"I'm having a hard time understanding how you could give Bruno another chance so easily."

Mia turned to face Jonah. "So easily? I didn't talk to him for almost two months J! Why are you so worried about it? This is my life and I'm happy. Bruno made a mistake and he regrets it. You don't even know the half of it J and it doesn't even matter because frankly it's none of your business."

Jonah sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I just, I seen how broken you were and I don't want to see you get hurt again."

Mia sighed too. "Thank you J but you don't have to worry about that. I'm going to be fine. Bruno and I are good. I am honestly so happy Jonah. We are so happy. Nothing could keep us apart. Bruno and I have been through too much together. He was there for me when no one else was. He's amazing Jonah. He made a mistake. He's allowed to do that, he's human. I made my share of mistakes too. When you love someone you don't give up on them."

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