Chapter 42

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Mia helped Jaime clean up the kitchen then she and Marley set the living room up for a movie night. She and Bruno were going to stay in with him for the night while Jaime and Jesse went out for a while. Marley snuggled up in between Mia and Bruno as they watched Finding Nemo. "I love Ellen!" Bruno said.

"Not Ellen, Dory!" Marley said.

"Right! Dory. Sorry buddy." Bruno said.

Mia looked at him and smiled. "Yeah Bruno, get it right." She winked at him.

Before the movie ended Marley fell asleep so when it ended Bruno carried him to the room while Mia straightened up the living room. When Bruno came back into the living room they snuggled up on the couch and flipped through channels until they found something to watch. "So how was school today baby? You look exhausted."

Mia smiled at him. "I'm a little tired but I'm fine baby. It was good. I really like it Bruno and I'm really confident about it."

Bruno pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. "I'm so glad baby. Shit, my baby is gonna be a big hot shot lawyer! Come here girl!" He kissed her lips and she kissed him back. "I'm so proud of you baby! Now, let's talk about this wedding."

Mia's smile grew wider. "Well we have to meet with the wedding planner tomorrow. She wanted us to look for a venue but I kind of just want to have it at my dads house if that's okay with you? I mean, there's plenty of room."

Bruno smiled at her. "Baby, I don't even care. I just want to marry you. That's all I care about. I just want us to pick a date."

Mia nodded her head. "Right. About that. I wanted to talk to you about something. Uncle Eli and auntie Mya decided they're going to get married. They're getting married in December and I don't want to take anything away from them. I want everything to be perfect for them Bruno. You know how long it's taken for uncle Eli to find happiness. I don't want the focus to be taken from them because of us."

Bruno nodded. "Okay. I get it baby. So what are you saying?"

Mia bit her lip in a nervous gesture. "Can we push the wedding back another year?"

Bruno frowned a little. "Again baby? We already didn't do it when we turned eighteen. We said we'd give it another year so you could get settled in Los Ángeles and your family could get to know me better. Now you're telling me you want me to wait another one to make you my wife? Baby I just wanna marry you."

Mia took his hands in her. "I know baby, me too! But uncle Eli deserves this. We're still young, him and auntie Mya are not. Baby I'm not going anywhere. I'm still here for you always and I still want us to get an apartment together, married or not."

Bruno smiled. "So we can still live together?" He placed his hand on her cheek and looked into her eyes.

"Yes baby. We can start looking for a place tomorrow after we meet with the wedding planner."

Bruno moved in and kissed her lips. "Okay baby. It would be much easier if we just ran away and got married in Vegas you know?"

Mia shook her head. "Bruno!" She smacked him lightly on the shoulder.

He chuckled. "I know, I know. You want your family and mine to be present. I'm just messing with you baby. I can wait one more year to make you my wife. Twenty is a good age to get married."

Mis smiled. "I think so too baby."

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