Chapter 74

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One Month Later:

Mia walked into her dads living room and sat on the couch. When she'd gone back to New York she had told her Dad two important things. First, that she and Bruno were getting a divorce and second that they were having a baby. While he was excited about being a grandfather he didn't understand why they weren't together because Mia didn't want to tell him that Bruno cheated on her. She asked Gabriel to respect her privacy and she also asked him to refrain from asking Bruno about their separation. She assured him that she and Bruno were going to remain friends and we're still going to make sure the baby grew up with both parents around. The one thing he kept saying was "Princess, I just don't understand. You two seemed so happy and were so in love." It had taken everything in her not to break down during their conversation but she held it together.

"Hey Princess, I'm gonna order some Chinese. Sound good?" Gabriel asked her.

"That sounds great Dad." Mia told him with a smile.

"You okay Princess?" Gabriel asked her.

"I'm good Dad. I'm actually going to go call Bruno if you don't mind. I have to remind him about the Doctors appointment tomorrow."

Gabriel gave her a sad smile and nodded. "Okay Princess."

Mia got up and made her way upstairs to the room she was now occupying in her Dads home. She wanted to find an apartment but he insisted she just stay with him. He told her there was no reason for her to find a place when he had plenty of space in his home and that it would make him feel better if she just stayed with him so she agreed. She climbed in the bed and pulled out her cell phone finding Bruno's number. He answered almost immediately.

"Hello?" He sounded surprised that she called. She didn't blame him though. She hadn't talked to him since she'd last seen him. She only texted him occasionally to check on him, though Phil and Ryan kept her very well updated on how he was doing.

"Hey Bruno. How are you?" Hearing him say a simple word like 'hello' felt good.

"Hey Mia. I'm good. What's up? Is everything okay? You don't usually call me." He sounded concerned now.

"Yeah. I'm good. I just...I was just calling you to remind you about the Doctors appointment tomorrow." She heard Geronimo bark in the background.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world Mia. I've been waiting for this since you left." She could hear the smile in his voice.

"Ummm. I was thinking that maybe you could pick me up and we could go there together?" She didn't know why she was so nervous asking him about that.

"Really?" He asked her sounding surprised again.

"If that's okay."

Bruno cleared his throat. "Yeah, of course Mia." He sighed. "God I've missed hearing your voice and I can't wait to see you tomorrow and hug you." He told her.

"Bruno, I.." She started saying something but he cut her off.

"I know Mia. I shouldn't say things like that to you. I'm sorry. I'll be there tomorrow."

Now it was her who cleared her throat. "Okay. Give Geronimo some love for me will you?"

He chuckled. "Will do. G, come here boy. Mama says to give you some love for her." She smiled at the way he was talking to him and heard Geronimo bark again. "I know boy. G says he misses you." He said into the phone.

"Awww. I miss him too. I'll see you tomorrow Bruno." She wanted to keep him on the phone but she knew she shouldn't.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mia."


Mia was dressed bright and early sitting on the couch waiting for Bruno. The doorbell sounded and she rushed to it before Sandra, who was her dad's maid, could get it. She opened it up to see a smiling Bruno. She smiled back and his smile widened as he got a good look at her. It had only been month since he's last seen her but her belly had definitely grown in that month. "Morning beautiful. You look amazing."

Mia giggled. "Thank you Bruno."

He stepped forward and reached a hand out to her stomach. "May I?"

Mia nodded. "Of course."

Bruno place his hand on her belly and grinned. "This is the most amazing thing in the world." He kneeled down and got close to her belly. "Good morning baby. This is your Daddy talking. I can't wait to meet you." Mia smiled down at him and he smiled up at her. "I still can't believe this."

Someone cleared their throat behind her then the voice sounded in Mia's ear. "Good morning Princess. Hello Bruno."

Mia's heart started pounding in her chest. This was the first time her dad had seen Bruno since she told him they were getting a divorce.

Bruno rose to his feet. "Hello Mr. Vasquez. Good to see you sir." He nodded a greeting his way. He was unsure about what Mia had told him so he didn't know if he should go for the usual hand shake and hug they gave each other. He knew he was right not do so when Gabriel just nodded in return and looked between the two of them.

"Dad what are you doing here? I thought you would have been to the office by now."

Gabriel looked at Mia and smiled. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay Princess."

Bruno put his head down and slipped his hands in his pocket. Mia looked at him and then back at Gabriel. "Dad, I'm fine. It's Bruno."

Gabriel nodded. "Yeah. But since I don't really know what happened between the two of you, I wasn't sure. But now, seeing you two interact makes me feel better." Bruno looked up at him. "I guess congratulations are in order Bruno. Get in here and give me a hug."

Bruno smiled. "Yes sir!" He stepped forward and hugged Gabriel.

"Congratulations to the both of you. I know you're going to be amazing parents." He looked between the both of them again then directed his attention to Bruno. "I don't know what happened between the two of you and Mia doesn't want me not to ask, so I won't. But it's clear to me that the love between the two of you has not changed. Whatever it is that's going on, I have faith that you will get through it for the sake of my grandbaby."

Bruno nodded. "Of course sir. The baby comes first, no matter what."

Mia smiled at him and Gabriel nodded his head. "Well, I'll let you two go. I definitely have to head into work now. I'm meeting with a client in an hour. Mia, let me know how it goes and don't forget were are having dinner with Jose and Jonah tonight."

Bruno flinched at the mention of Jonah's name. Mia gave her dad a warm smile. "Dad, don't worry. I wouldn't forget that."

He gave Mia a kiss on the cheek. "I love you princess." He told her and started walking away.

"I love you too!" Mia said. She turned back to Bruno and smiled. "Ready?"

Bruno nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

He took her hand and closed the door, then led her to his car. He opened the door for her to get in but before she did she looked up at him. "Bruno, is everything okay?"

Bruno looked down at her. He was sad but he was tryin to conceal it. "I'm fine Mia."

Mia tilted her head to the side and studied him. "Did something my Dad said upset you? You were all smiles prior to..."

Bruno cut her off. "Mia, I'm fine love. Can you please just get in the car so we can go find out how our baby is doing?"

Love. That simple little four letter word tugged at her heart. "Okay. But before I do that, I'm gonna need that hug you talked about last night."

Bruno smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "I will always have a hug available for you baby girl." 

They stood there and just held each other for a moment. When they pulled away Mia kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Bruno. I needed that." She got in the car and he closed her door.

Where Do We Go From Here? (BOOK TWO)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon