Chapter 86

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On their way back to Bernie's Bruno and Mia made a stop and to get some ice cream to satisfy one of Mia's cravings. They had just grabbed their ice creams and sat down to enjoy them when a familiar voice called to Mia.

"Mia? Mia Gutierrez? Is that you?" It was a voice that Mia knew well but also one she hadn't heard in a long time. She and Bruno both looked up because he too recognized the voice.

"Tyler, Hi." She smiled up at him. "And it's actually Hernandez now." She nodded in Brunos direction as Bruno removed his sunglasses.

"What's up man? It's been a long time." Bruno said.

Tyler nodded. "Yeah, it has." Tyler looked between the two of theme "Wow! You guys are still together. That's great! I'm happy for you two."

Mia smiled at him. "Thanks Tye." She didn't really know what more to say to him. She hadn't seen him in a really long time and while the last time she seen him they were on speaking terms, she didn't really feel the need to continue a friendship with him once she was no longer in Hawaii. Sure, she had forgiven him for the way he'd treated her, but it still didn't make it right.

"Yeah, still together. Married and about to have our first baby." Bruno said with a smile.

"No way?"

Mia nodded and pointed to her belly. "Yes way."

Tyler glanced down at her stomach. "Wow! That's wild. The two of you are having a baby together. Congratulations! You look great by the way."

Mia smiled. "Umm thanks."

Bruno cleared his throat. "Hey, ease up man, I'm sitting right here."

Tyler put his hands up in defense. "I meant no disrespect. Just, she looks good."

Mia placed her hand on Bruno's to calm him down. "Thank you Tye. I appreciate that. How are you? Are you married? Any kids?"

Tyler shook his head. "Nah. Haven't found that lucky lady yet. Had her once and I let her slip away."

Bruno sighed. "Come on man, seriously?! I'm sitting right here!"

Mia glanced at Bruno then at Tyler. "Bruno has a point. Please don't do that. It's weird."

Tyler looked between her and Bruno. "Honestly, I meant no disrespect by it. You both look very happy. He deserved to have you. He was always there for you and he never took you for granted like I did. You're a good man Bruno. I know it's not really my place, but thank you for being there for her when no one else was."

Bruno nodded. "Always. She's been my number one from day one. I would never not be there for her." Mia gave him a warm smile and he smiled back at her. 

"I seen the music thing worked out for you. That's great man." Tyler said looking to Bruno.

Bruno nodded again. "It did. I have everything I could ever want out of life. I'm living my dream with my dream girl by my side."

Now it was Tyler's turn to nod. "Happy for you. What about you Mia? I heard you found your Dad and that you're some big shot Lawyer now."

Mia smiled. "I did find my Dad. He's pretty great. I would say he's more the big shot lawyer than I am. But I'm not bad."

Tyler smiled and let out a soft chuckle. "Man, it's good to see you. I'm glad you're doing great."

Bruno was becoming annoyed with his presence. "So did you come here to get ice cream or...?"

Tyler shook his head. "Oh, no. I own this ice cream shop. To be honest I heard Mia's laugh and I thought I was going crazy. When I came out and saw it was her I had to come and say hello." Tyler said standing there awkwardly now.

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