Chapter 29

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The next morning the five of them sat in silence in the doctors waiting area. Everyone was nervous and no one had any idea what to say. The whole situation was strange. Gabriel was the first to break the silence. "So, this is sort of random but.... back in LA when you told me your name, I...." he paused for a moment before he started talking again. "I kind of knew then who you were.... well, I assumed. There's a reason why I believed you so easily aside from it all adding up. You see, when I was born I had a twin sister. She was my best friend, we did everything together, we were inseparable...." he smiled and then a frown took over as he continued. "I lost her to cancer when we were 14. When your mother and I talked about having a family I made her promise that we would name our first daughter Mia, after my sister."

A gasp left Mia's mouth and tears filled her eyes.  "I was named after your twin sister? Mom kept her promise to you.... even when she thought... you know. She still kept her promise."

Gabriel nodded and placed his hand on Mia's. "She did. She certainly was a woman of her word."

Mia smiled and looked into his eyes. Looking into them, she felt safe, the way she always felt when she looked into Bruno's eyes. This man had to be her father. There was no way they could be wrong about this. "Was she your only sibling?"

Gabriel shook his head. "No, I was just closest with her because we were twins and we were the oldest. I have a younger brother, Gonzalo, we call him Gonzo. Then I have a younger sister, Mya."

At the mention of him having siblings Mia's eyes lit up. This meant she had another uncle and and aunt. She smiled as she repeated their names aloud. "Gonzalo and Mya. Do they...." Mia stared another question but she was cut off by their names being called.

"Gabriel Velasquez and Mia Gutierrez?" The nurse said.

Gabriel stood first. "Ready?" he asked extending his hand to her.

"Ready!" Mia said taking his hand and standing up. Then she reached for Bruno's hand. "You're coming with me right?"

Bruno took her hand. "Of course baby" he said. Then the three of them disappeared into the back room.

Elijah watched them go with a heavy heart. There went his baby girl with the two most important men in a woman's life. Her father and the love of her life. While somewhere deep down he hoped the test came back negative and he wasn't her father, there was actually no doubt in his mind that he was. If this man was the guy his sister dated, he was most certainly Mia's father.

"You alright?" Bernie asked Eli breaking the silence.

"I don't know. I feel like.... like I'm losing her." Elijah said.

Bernie placed her hand on his back and rubbed it in an attempt to try and comfort him. "Don't feel that way. We don't even know if he's really her father. Besides, you're always going to have a special place in her heart. You raised her. You made her into the beautiful young woman she is today."

Eli shook his head. "As much as I would love to take credit for that, I can't. That was all her and.... and Bruno. You raised a fine young man Bernadette."

Bernie smiled. "Thank you" was all she could say. She wanted to tell him he was wrong but it wouldn't matter. He felt how he felt and she couldn't change that. While she was aware that Bruno did have something to do with the woman Mia was becoming she wouldn't say Elijah had nothing to do with it. He still raised her. "I still believe that no mater what, she will always have a special place in her heart for you. She loves you Elijah. This man can't just take that away. She will always love you. You have been her father figure for almost 18 years now. He can't take that from you."

A sigh escaped Eli as he gave Bernie a half smile. "I hope you're right."


It had been a couple days since they had taken the DNA test. Bruno had gone back to LA with Gabriel and Mia missed him like crazy. She wished he could have stayed with her but she knew he belonged in LA chasing his dream.

Today was the day she had to go pick up the test results and the drive there seemed eternal. When she finally held the envelope in her hand she found it hard to breath. This moment could change her life forever. She carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the paper. Tears filled her eyes as she read the results. She slipped the paper back in the envelope and pulled out the cell phone Gabriel had insisted on purchasing for her before he left Hawaii. She opened up her text messages and typed out a message to Gabriel.


Gabriel sat in his office when he heard his phone go off. He jumped at the sound. He had been on pins and needles all day anxiously waiting to hear from Mia. When he looked at his phone it was what he'd been waiting for. A text message from Mia. It read two simple words.

Mia: Hi dad....

Authors Note: Okay so I spoiled y'all a little today. Didn't want to leave you hanging any longer. So OMG Mia found her dad! Exciting right? Please vote and comment. Let me know what you think. Love y'all! 😘

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