Chapter 52

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Mia walked out into a yard full of her family and close friends of the family but the only person she saw when she stepped outside was Bruno. The second she locked eyes with him she saw him catch his breath. Then he smiled his perfect smile at her and her heart melted. He walked over to her and kissed her hand. "You're absolutely breathtaking my love."

Mia blushed. "Thank you my love."

He placed a kiss on her forehead then held his arm out for her to link hers with his. Then they made their way towards their table stopping to greet everyone as they did. She hadn't realized her dad invited Jose to the rehearsal dinner until she met eyes with Jonah as they walked through the crowd. The way he was looking at her made her uncomfortable. She quickly looked away from him and up at Bruno to see if he had seen Jonah. He hadn't yet and she was so thankful.

"Mia, sweetie, you look fabulous. And you Bruno. My handsome boy! Oh my goodness you two have really just grown up on me!" Bernie said to them spreading her arms out to hug the both of them together.

"Mom please don't cry. It's not even the wedding yet." Bruno told her.

"You hush." Bernie told him and continued hugging them tightly.

Mia felt her eyes become watery. Bernie had been basically like a mother to her since she and Bruno met. The only mother figure Mia had ever known. She quickly blinked back the tears not wanting to ruin her make-up. She was so thankful her Dad had the means to get Bruno's family here to share these moments with them. They greeted the rest of his family and her dad was next. It was when they were making their way to them that Bruno noticed Jonah's presence. Mia leaned into his ear and whispered. "I only see you baby. You and me forever." Bruno looked at her and smiled and kissed her cheek.

"You're beautiful princess. Absolutely beautiful." Gabriel told her and hugged her.

"She really does look just like her mother." Jose said.

"Thank you." Mia told Jose. "Dad, please don't cry. Bruno's mom almost made me ruin my make-up already. If you cry, I don't think I'll be able to hold back my tears."

Gabriel laughed. "I'm not going to cry. No promises tomorrow though." He released her and stood in front of Bruno. "Son, tomorrow's the big day. I know you're going to continue to take care of my little girl."

Bruno nodded. "You know it sir. She's my world." He looked at her and his eyes sparkled.

"And you're mine." Mia told him with the same sparkle in her eyes.

"What's the hold up over here?" Elijah's voice sounded from next to Gabriel.

Mia looked at her uncle Eli and smiled. "Uncle Eli!" She hugged him tight. "It seems like I haven't seen you in so long!"

Eli laughed. "You look beautiful. Just like your mother. You've been busy with school. I get it. Bruno told me you've been really busy with your head in the books."

Mia smiled. "Thank you uncle Eli. I just took my final today. I feel really good about it."

He pulled away from her and brought his hands up to cup her face. "I'm so proud of you." He looked over at Bruno. "You too Bruno. I still feel like I owe you so much. You never gave up on her and you kept fighting for your love through everything. Thank you for loving her the way that you do."

Bruno smiled at Eli. "You don't need to thank me for that sir."

Eli pulled him into a hug. "I know you'll continue to be good to her. She's always happiest when she's with you."

Jonah still hadn't said anything. He was just observing. Bruno seemed to have everyone's respect and approval. He didn't know their story but from what he was hearing they had a rough road and made it through. It was then that he decided he really needed to push thoughts of ever being with Mia to the side. "You both make a beautiful couple." He finally said. Mia and Bruno both looked at him and smiled and said thank you.

The night went on and they had dinner. As best man and Maid of honor Eric and Tahiti took turns on the mic saying some nice things about Bruno and Mia. The mic went around and when everyone was done Bruno took it. Before he said anything he looked over at Phil and nodded. Phil smiled and gave him a nod back. "Mia gave me the great honor of picking out our wedding song. As you all know I'm an aspiring artist so I thought, why pick a song when I can write a song. So I got together with my good friend Phil and we wrote a song." He looked over at Mia and smiled. "Tonight, I'm going to sing you our song on that dance floor in front of all of our closest family members and friends. I hope you love it!" He put the mic down and Tahiti came up and clipped a tiny mic to his collar so that everyone could still hear him. Then he reached for Mia's hand. She took it with a smile and he led her to the dance floor.

Phil's voice was heard on the mic first. "Ladies and Gentlemen. I give you the soon to be Bride and Groom, Bruno and Mia."

The music dropped as Bruno started moving her slowly and gracefully on the dance floor. Then Bruno took a deep breath and started singing.

"Everyday I wake up next to an angel
More beautiful than words could say
They said it wouldn't work but what did they know?
'Cause years have passed and we're still here today."

Mia became watery eyed but she tried her hardest to blink back the tears.

"Never in my dreams did I think that this would happen to me......

As I stand here before my woman
I can't fight back the tears in my eyes
Oh, how could I be so lucky
I must've done something right
And I promise to love her for the rest of my life."

A tear rolled down Brunos cheek as he sang and Mia couldn't help it. Some tears came rolling down her cheek too.

"Seems like yesterday when she first said "hello"
Funny how time flies when you're in love
It took us a lifetime to find each other
It was worth the wait 'cause I finally found the one......

Never in my dreams did I think that this would happen to me......."

Bruno placed a light kiss on her cheek where the tears had escaped. Mia wiped the one on his.

"As I stand here before my woman
I can't fight back the tears in my eyes
Oh how could I be so lucky
I must've done something right
And I promise to love her for the rest of my life."

He finished the last note and said "I love you Mia." Then kissed her.

Sniffles could be heard around the room along with clapping and cheering.

"I love you too Bruno. The song is absolutely perfect, just like you."

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