Chapter 18

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Bruno, Marley and Mia gathered in the living room to watch movies and eat snacks. Bruno and Marley had created and nice little movie night lounge. They put in the first movie and had some snacks and played with Marley in between. Marley was so attached to Bruno and Bruno was so good with him. Once again Mia's mind wandered to when they would have kids of their own. She just knew Bruno was going to be an amazing dad. Bruno caught her watching them and gave her a knowing smile.

About halfway through the movie Marley slipped out of Bruno's arms and went and climbed into Mia's lap without saying a word. Mia wrapped her arms around him and glanced up and smiled at Bruno who was already looking at her and smiling. Now it was Bruno who was thinking about their future children.

After they put the second movie in Marley started to rub his eyes and snuggled closer to Mia. She asked him if he was sleepy and he told her he was. She offered to take him to his room and tuck him in but he declined and told her he wanted to sleep with her and Bruno. Mia looked over at Bruno who once again was watching them with a smile and he nodded his head signaling that it was okay. Mia pulled a pillow close to them and she and Marley rested their heads on it. Marley snuggled real close to her and Mia happily held him. Bruno grabbed a blanket and covered them. The he took his spot behind Mia and wrapped his arms around her. Soon they were all fast asleep with the movie playing in the background.

When Jaime and Jesse returned from their night out they found the three of them still in the same positions they'd fallen asleep in. Jaime smiled and decided she needed to take a picture of the moment. Then they turned off the TV and left them to sleep and went to bed themselves.

The next day Marley just wanted to be near Mia. While it warmed her heart that he wanted to be near her, it also made her sad because this would be the last day she could spend with him and Bruno for a while.

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