Chaper 67

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Mia sat at the table waiting for Bruno watching some of the couples that were already on the dance floor. The waiter came up and asked if she was ready to order. "I'm actually waiting for someone. But I'll take a water while I wait please."

The waiter nodded. "Of course." He returned with a water and placed it on the table. "I'll be back to check on you in a while"

Mia gave him a polite smile. "Thank you." She looked at the clock and then checked her phone to see if Bruno had called or texted her. It was now about thirty minutes after he was supposed to meet her. Nothing. She sent him a quick text to see if he was on his way and when he didn't respond she called him and left him a voicemail. "Bruno, baby, where are you? Are you okay?" She sighed and hung up the phone.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?!" She heard a familiar voice behind her.

Mia looked up and smiled. "Hey! Fancy seeing you here." She said and laughed.

He looked around. "May I?" He asked pointing to an empty spot across from her.

"Of course." She told him.

He took a seat and looked around again. "Where's Bruno?"

Mia sighed and looked at her phone again. "Honestly, I don't know. He was supposed to meet me here almost an hour ago but obviously he isn't here. He isn't answering his phone so I really haven't a clue. What are you doing here?" She asked changing the subject.

"I just finished up having drinks with some friends. I saw you over here all alone looking anxious so I came to see if you were okay. Obviously you're not. What's going on Mia?"

Mia sighed again. "Nothing J, I'm fine. Bruno probably just got caught up in the studio and lost track of time. It's not a big deal."

Jonah tilted his head to the side. "Are you sure about that? Because you've been acting funny for a while now. Today was the first time I saw you genuinely happy in months Mia. I'm looking at you now and that glow from this morning is gone."

She shook her head. "Gee thanks! Why don't you just tell me I look like crap?!" She laughed. "Really though Jonah, I'm fine."

Jonah reached over and took her hands in his. "Mia, you know you can talk to me about anything if you need to right?"

She nodded. "I know. I'm fine though."

Jonah nodded his head. "Okay. Do you want me to stay with you until Bruno gets here?"

Mia shook her head. "No, that's not necessary. Thank you though."

Jonah nodded his head. "Okay. For the record, you don't like like crap. You look absolutely stunning. Bruno's going to be left speechless when he sees you."

Mia smiled at him. "Thank you Jonah. I appreciate that."

They heard someone clear their throat beside them. "What's going on here?" Bruno asked.

Mia stood up and hugged him. "Baby, you made it. I thought you weren't coming."

Bruno looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean I made it? Are you really about to act like I didn't just see you flirting with Jonah? I thought it wasn't like that Mia?" He looked over at Jonah. "I should kick your ass! Lucky for you I can't make a scene!"

Mia and Jonah both looked at him confused. They didn't know what was going on. Mia's eyes began to tear up. "Bruno, baby, what are you talking about? I was here waiting for you. We were supposed to have our date remember? I texted you and you said you'd be here!"

Bruno wrinkled his forehead and twisted his mouth up at her. "I didn't get a text from you."

Jonah studied him and stood up next to Mia. "This is obviously a misunderstanding. I'm not here with Mia. I was here with some friends and she was waiting for you. I just came over to check on her. You need to..."

Mia put her hand up to cut him off. "Wait. So if you didn't get a text from me, what are you doing here Bruno?" Her voice was calm and collected.

"What?" Bruno asked.

"I said, what are you doing here if it wasn't meeting me here?" Mia asked again. She pulled out her phone and stepped up to him showing him the text message she sent and his response. "You said you didn't get that but you responded and you're here. If you didn't get my message, who had your phone and why are you here?"

Bruno cleared his throat. "I..." Now it was him who was cut off.

"There you are sweet face!" A woman said linking her arm in his and looking at Mia and Jonah. She raised an eyebrow at Jonah with a smirk then looked at Mia. "Hi! I'm Natalie!" She said extending her hand out for Mia to shake.

Mia looked down at her hand then back up at Bruno who's face was in complete horror. Jonah's mouth was dropped open. Mia was falling apart inside but she wasn't about to show it to this Natalie girl. "Sorry. Not a fan of shaking strange women's hands. I'm Mia, SWEET FACE's WIFE!"

Natalie looked up at Bruno. "I didn't know you were married."

Bruno looked down at Natalie. "WHAT?!"

Mia looked directly into Bruno's eyes. "Probably because it doesn't matter. You see, I'm his soon to be ex wife. Don't worry baby, I'll leave some morphine at your door" she said sarcastically quoting his lyrics and patting his shoulder. She looked at Jonah. "Let's get out of here?!" Jonah nodded his head and Mia went to grab her purse. She reached for a twenty dollar bill and placed it on the table even though she hadn't had anything but water and walked away with Jonah at her side.

Bruno just stood there for a moment speechless. He didn't know what to say or do because there was nothing that could justify his actions. He pulled out his phone to check it. He had messages and missed calls from Mia but they were recent. Nothing from earlier like she had showed him. He looked over at Natalie. "Why did you do that? You know damn well I'm a married man." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why did you bring me here? Did you touch my phone earlier? Is that why she had a message from me? Cause neither of those messages are in my phone Natalie!" She didn't say anything, she just looked at him. "Unbelievable!" He shook his head and turned to run after Mia. He caught them at the door. "Mia, baby, wait! Let me explain."

Mia looked up at him trying to stay strong. "There's not really anything to explain. It's pretty clear what's been going on Bruno and that's fine."

Bruno shook his head. "It's not fine, we need to talk about it. And you wanted to tell me something tonight. Can you at least tell me what it was?"

She wanted to cry and smack him but she wasn't about to break down in public. She had always been able to keep a brave face in public and that wasn't about to change now. "My dad's opening up a firm in New York. He wanted me to go down there with him for a few months to make sure everything runs smoothly. I wanted to talk to you about that. But in light of my new found freedom, I'm thinking about staying there permanently. Enjoy your night Bruno. Wouldn't want you to keep Natalie waiting. The waiting game is my job right?" She turned away from him to walk away. Jonah could tell she was falling apart on the inside. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder to try to comfort her and that pissed Bruno off.

He stepped in front of them. "Who do you think you are wrapping your arm around my wife like that?!" He was fuming with anger but he was trying his best to remain calm.

"Look at her man! You don't see that she's falling apart on the inside? You really think she's that calm about what just happened?" Jonah asked him.

"Soon to be ex wife!" Mia corrected Bruno. "Jonah I'm fine. You don't have to explain anything to him. Just take me home. I took a cab here because I planned on going back home with Bruno but obviously things have changed."

She and Bruno glared at each other. "If you leave with him you don't even need to worry about going home."

Mia laughed. "Really Bruno? You know what? That's just fine. I'll just go get a few things and be gone. Don't you worry SWEET FACE, I won't be a burden to you anymore!"

Where Do We Go From Here? (BOOK TWO)Where stories live. Discover now