Chapter 45

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Bruno opened the door and Mia jumped into his arms. "You did it baby! You did it!"

Bruno laughed and held her tight. "I did baby! I'm so glad you're here."

Mis kissed him and wrapped her arms around him tight. "Dad let me leave. He knew how important it was for me to get to you baby. I had to see you!"

Bruno walked inside with Mia still wrapped in his arms. "You're so spoiled. You're dad would let you get away with murder." He laughed.

"And you would help me hide the body Bruno." She laughed too.

"Of course I would. If you did something like that then I know that person had it coming baby." He kissed her this time. "I can't believe this baby. I'm so happy right now!"

Mia brought her hands up to cup his face "I'm so happy too baby. You deserve this! You've worked all your life for this. Dad wants to have a celebratory dinner for you tonight. I gotta tell Jaime and Jesse to come too."

Bruno smile. "I appreciate that but he doesn't have to do all that."

She kissed him again. "He wants to Bruno. He's happy for you too." She released him and he set her down.

"Auntiiieee Miiiiaaaa!" She hear Marley's little voice and giggled.

"Hey buddy!" She kneeled down to hug him and give him a kiss. Jaime followed close by. "Jaime, hey." Mia hugged her too. "My dad wants to have a celebratory dinner for Bruno tonight and he walked me to invite you all."

Jaime smiled. "Wow that's really sweet. Of course we'll be there!"

Mia smiled at her then looked over at Bruno who had the biggest smile on his face. "I'm just so happy right now. Everything is coming together perfectly."

Bruno winked at her. "I'm happy too baby."

Marley tugged on her shirt. "Can I come too?"

Mia kneeled down with him again. "Of course you can!"


Jonah walked into his Dads office at Gabriel's law firm. "Son, what brings you in here?" Jose asked giving his son a hug

Jonah smiled at his dad. "Does one have to have a reason to drop in and see his old man?"

"I suppose not. But you never come up to my office. Work is work we always say." Jose said to his son with a grin.

Jonah sighed. "Dad remember that beautiful girl I told you about? The one from the plane on my way back from Hawaii. The one I ran into again at UCLA?"

Jose nodded his head. "Of course I do. You talked my ear off about her both times you met her. You also told me she had a fiancé." He raised his eyebrow at his son giving him a look that he better not be trying to ruin someone's relationship. "What about her though?"

Jonah ran a hand through his hair. "I saw her again today Dad. In Gabriel's office. She's his daughter."

Jose's eyes grew wide. "Mia. Of course. I never put the two together. Son you need to forget about her. Gabriel and I have been friends far too long to let something like you chasing his daughter for one of your games to come between that."

Jonah frowned. "Gabriel already told me she was off limits Dad. But I had no intentions on playing games. She's a special girl."

Jose shook his head. "Son you've seen her less than a handful of times. How can you know that?"

Another sigh came from Jonah. "I don't know Dad. She's just different. I can feel it." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Listen to me son. This girl is not only engaged but she's my best friends daughter. His only daughter. He's already told you she's off limits so I'm going to tell you the same thing. She's off limits Jonah. Don't do anything stupid."

Jonah nodded his head. "Yeah. Okay Dad."

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