Chapter 85

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They knocked on the door of Bernie's home and when we answered the door she screamed. "OH MY GOODNESS!!! MY BABIES!!!" She hugged everyone and was near tears.

"Aww Mom don't cry." Bruno said hugging her again.

"I'm just happy to see you all." She looked at Cindia. "Let me see my little Liam." She took him from Cindia and stepped inside. "Come on in." They all walked in behind her and she stopped and waited for Mia. "Let me look at you." She told her with a smile. Mia looked at her and smiled. "How have you been feeling?"

Mia smiled. "Really good. Thank for asking Mom."

With Liam still in her arms she leaned in and gave Mia half a hug and moved to touch her belly. "I'm so happy you're here" She told her

"I'm so happy to be here. I missed it. I haven't been back in a while." Mia said

"Oh trust me, I know." She glanced over at Bruno who had stepped back out to grab the rest of their bags. "He was in a bad place but thanks to you, my baby looks healthy and happy again. Thank you for everything you do for him sweetheart."

Mia looked back at him and smiled. "Honestly, how could I not? He was there for me at my worst. He's my everything." She held her belly. "They're my everything."

Bruno stepped in and they were both looking at him. "What?"

Mia laughed. "Nothing. I love you."

Bruno's smile widened and he kissed her. "I love you too Mia."

"OH MY GOD MIA!!" Presley yelled when she walked in the room. She ran to her and they hugged.

"Hey Presley!"

Presley looked at her stomach and smiled. "Oh my gosh! Look how cute you are!"

Mia smiled. "Awww thanks Presley."

Bruno huffed. "It's not like there's anyone else here you haven't seen or anything."

Mia laughed and Presley rolled her eyes and laughed too. "Hi Bruno. Don't worry, I missed you too!" She said giving him a hug.

"Yeah, yeah."

Presley turned to look at Bernie and spotted Liam in her arms. "Oh my gosh Liam!!" She leaned in to look at him and smiled. "Wait, this has to mean Eric and Cindia are here." She turned and spotted them standing in the living room. "Oh my gosh!!!" She went over and hugged them. "What are all of you doing here?" She asked.

"Well, Mia's got a couple of weeks off and we wanted to come see all of you, so Gabriel let us use his jet to get here."

Bernie smiled. "Well bless his heart. He's such a good man. I'm so glad you're all here. I was just making something to eat. Are you all hungry?" She asked.

"I am!" Bruno said.

Presley rolled her eyes. "Of course you are! You're always hungry!"

Bruno glanced at her. "When did you get so mean? To think you were my favorite sister."

Tahiti and Tiara walked in the room as he said that. "Is that right?" Tahiti asked walking over and gently punching him in the arm.

"That's why Eric is my favorite." Tiara added.

"Geeze, I was kidding." Bruno said.

"No you weren't!" Eric, Presley, Tiara, Tahiti, and Mia said in unison.

"Really babe?" Bruno asked looking at Mia.

"Come on babe, everyone knows you have a soft spot for Presley cause she's the baby."

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