Chapter 44

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Mia sat at the table with her dad and Jonah making small talk when her phone rang. While she typically ignored her phone at a meal time she looked down to see it was Bruno calling and smiled. "I'm sorry, I have to take this." Gabriel nodded and she answered.

"Mia! Baby girl, are you sitting down? I have to tell you some big news!" Brunos voice was loud and he sounded so happy it made her smile.

"What is it baby?" She asked.

"BABY! I JUST SIGNED WITH MOTOWN!!" He yelled into the phone.

Mia gasped! "Oh my gosh baby! Are you serious?!" She tried to maintain her voice as low as she possibly could in this moment.

"So serious baby!! I feel like I'm on top of the world!"

Mia could tell he had the biggest smile on his face. "I'm so happy for you baby! I knew you could do it! We have to celebrate tonight! Hold on baby let me tell my dad." She looked over at Gabriel with a big smile on her face too. "Bruno just signed with Motown!"

Gabriel smiled. "That's great!" He moved closer to the phone. "Congratulations Bruno! That is huge! Mia is right, we have to celebrate this."

Mia smiled at her dad and listened to Bruno's response. "He says thank you Dad. Bruno I'm going to finish up lunch here with my dad and I'm coming to see you baby! I'm so proud of you! This is just the beginning baby! I love you!" She felt so happy for him at the moment she forgot Jonah was at the table with them.

"I love you too Mia! See you soon!" Bruno said and hung up.

Mia's smile was still intact when she hung up. She was so happy for Bruno. He worked so hard for so long and it was finally paying off. "We should have a celebratory dinner for him tonight princess. Let everyone know. His sister and her family too. I'll worry about everything else."

Mia looked up at her dad and smiled. "Thank you Dad." Mia leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Not to get all sappy of anything, but I don't think I could have chosen a better man to be my Dad."

Gabriel smiled at her and placed his hand over hers. "Are you trying to make your old man cry?"

Mia laughed. "No, sorry Dad."

Gabriel chuckled and squeezed her hand gently. "Thank you princess. That means a lot." By now they had both forgotten Jonah was there.

"Wow! Motown. That's pretty big. I guess your finance's got what it takes huh?" Jonah said breaking their moment.

Mia looked over at him and smiled proudly. "I told you he did the day I met you. Bruno is amazing! He was born to be a star." She looked back over at Gabriel. "Dad, is it okay if I cut this lunch short? I really want to go see Bruno!"

Gabriel shook head. "Of course princess. We were almost done here anyway. I wanted to talk to Jonah for a minute alone anyway. You go ahead."

Mia got up and kissed his cheek again. "Thank you Dad." She looked over at Jonah. "It was nice talking to you again. I guess I'll see you around."

Jonah smiled big at her. "You certainly will. It was a pleasure."

Mia gave him a polite smile then looked back over at Gabriel. "See you tonight Dad." Then she walked away.

Gabriel watched Jonah watch his daughter walk away. "Whatever it is that you're thinking about with her, forget it."

Jonah turned his attention to Gabriel. "I beg your pardon?"

Gabriel cleared his throat and turned on a voice that only Dads know how to use. "I seen the way you were looking at her. I don't blame you, she possesses the same beauty and essence as her mother did. Listen Jonah, you're like family, I've always said that to you. But that's my baby girl. She's happily engaged to someone who loves her as deeply as I loved her mother. He may not have much to offer her right now but that doesn't matter because he treats her like the princess she is and does whatever he can to see her happy. You're a good kid Jonah but I've seen the way you are with women. I'm going to say this one time and one time only. My daughter is off limits to you. Do I make myself clear?"

Jonah nodded. "Yes sir. I would never disrespect you like that Mr. Vasquez."

Gabriel smiled. "Good. Then we won't have any issues."

Where Do We Go From Here? (BOOK TWO)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora