Babysitting -» Bucky Barnes

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Word Count: 773

Warnings: A little long.

Prompt: Your sister is going out with her husband for date night. And she asked you to watch her baby while they were gone, you decided to babysit her daughter without a companion. But then Bucky offers to help. So now you're stuck babysitting with Bucky.

You hang the phone up, you had just gotten off the phone with your baby sister. Her and her husband have decided to have a date night for their anniversary, leaving her to ask you to watch their 2 month old daughter Amber. You of course accepted her question.

She has told you, that you could in fact bring someone to help you. Since, well you've never had a kid or had to babysit before. You decided that you might not want to drag anybody into watching a baby since no one in the Avengers has had a kid.

You stand in the kitchen stirring your coffee, when your best friend and ex-assassin Bucky Barnes walks in "Hey." You smile towards him.

"Hey, doll." He replies looking through the fridge as Tony walks in.

"Guys tonight is movie night, don't forget!" Tony points a finger at you since last time you did forget, he nods and walks out looking for the others to tell.

"Uh-oh." You whisper quietly remembering tonight was the night you were suppose to watch Amber.

"What's wrong?" Bucky turns towards you "I got a call from my sister Laken, she wants me to watch her daughter Amber tonight." You shrug taking a sip of your coffee.

"Alone?" He asks curiously.

"No, I can bring someone." You look down at your coffee.

"To watch a baby? Who are you bringing?" Bucky asks.

"No one, I figured it'd be a waste of time. No one here has had a kid before- let alone a baby." You look at him making eye contact "But neither have you. Wouldn't it be a little hard to watch a baby, alone?" Bucky makes a good point.

"Tonight's movie night, like Tony said. Who would miss that to help me watch a baby." Bucky shrugs.

"It shouldn't be that hard right? Movie night really isn't my thing, anyway." Bucky shrugs again "Bucky, it's a baby. A whining little human being, that needs attention and to be fed. Not to mention diaper changes." Bucky chuckles.

"I know what a baby is. I'm just saying it shouldn't be that hard to do all that, together." Bucky comments "Okay... If you're sure." You were a little uneasy about this, but you went with it.

"I am. Baby's are a walk in the park." Bucky brushes it off.

You told the rest of the team that you and Bucky were going to babysit your sisters baby Amber, Tony told you next time you weren't getting out of movie night. No matter what. You just agreed and headed towards your sisters house with Bucky.

Your sister and her husband left a few minutes after you showed up with Bucky. You introduced them, before Laken handed you the baby "Have fun!" You shut the door and look at the baby in your arms.

"This is going to be...... Interesting?" Bucky watches you sit on the couch with the baby and follows suit.

You were one hour into watching Amber, and she had woken up crying. Bucky decided he would take over and try to change a diaper.

"Doll! I need your help!" Bucky rushes towards the living room holding Amber out in front of him, she has spit up on him.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" You scold taking the baby "She started it!" He sighs.

"That is no way to hold a baby!" You scold again he sits down.

"I'm sorry I just didn't know what to do, love." You shake your head and lean back into the couch. You hold the baby in your arms allowing her to fall asleep as you and Bucky watch tv, with Bucky occasionally looking over at you.

"You know, you'd be a great mom." Bucky points out his metal arm rested on your shoulders as you watched the tv. You look over at him, looking into his icy blue eyes "You'd be an okay dad." You try to assure him.

"I can't hold a baby right, but I'll leave that to you." He winks with a smirk.

"Yeah okay, flirty." You look back at the tv "I love you." Bucky blurts out making you look at him.

"I uh-- Sorry." He mumbles.

"I love you too, Buck." You look at the tv again.

"Now, shh.. My show is on." You smile.

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