Okay... I'm Tagged?

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I was tagged by Toxic_Rebel (thanks a lot prieten.)

Prieten is friend in Romanian btw.


1. Do you have a crush?

Yes I do, and I'm actually currently working on a relationship with them. His name is Jake, and it's been going for a while now.

2. What's your middle name?

My middle name is Darlene, if you follow my Instagram you would see my first name and middle name; Nakia Darlene.

3. What's your height?

I'm about 5'4" maybe 5'5"? But last time I checked it was 5'4".

4. Shoe size?

I fit a seven but I can easily slide into a size four still.

5. Last time you cried?

Last time I cried, I think was when I watched 'Lone Survivor' Which had Mark Wahlberg and I obviously wasn't gonna miss that movie.

6. Your biggest fear?

My biggest fear is- no doubt clowns. And when the drive-in is playing the new 'It' movie I get to go see it.

7. Last song you listened to?

That would be Touchin' On My by 30H!3. Check 'Em out mate.

8. Last person you texted?

That would be Jake.

9. Favourite app?

My all-time favourite app would be SnapChat.

Tag 20 people:





















P.S. Randomly tagged 'cause I don't have that many friends...

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