Baby -» Joshua

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Word Count: 635

Warnings: Cursing, mentioning of sex.

Prompt: There's a baby in this chapter! But you and Joshua are rookies in this kind of business. That is until you're alone with him and your child, and he can't help but say something.

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"Morning." Joshua whispers.

You stir in his arms for a second "How long have you been up?" You whisper softly.

"About an hour, but it's fine." He nuzzles his face into your neck letting out a deep sigh, when you hear your two month old Chris crying out for one of you.

"I got it, just lay back." Joshua kisses you on your cheek and heads off to get Chris.

You smile softly, how did you get to be with him? He had another girl that craved his attention, who was also your best friends sister... Yet he chose you. You get out of bed and walk over to your closet.

"Hey Joshua?! Do we have any plans today?!" Joshua walks in with a fresh looking Chris.

"I think my family was hoping we would stop by so they can see Chris." He shrugs.

"Okay, well I guess we can do that today if you want to." He nods.

"Go to mommy, I've gotta get the bathroom." You took Chris before hearing the end of Joshua's sentence "Joshua!"

"Y/n!" Josh winks towards you.

"Y'know you're welcome to join me, just um... Not bring Chris there." Joshua adds.

"As if!"

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You went to see his family, nevertheless hearing Chris cry towards the end of your visit because he was tired. And he wanted his mommy, no one else.

You arrived home and set Chris in his bed, you head down to your kitchen and start some tea "Love? Where's my phone?" Joshua asks you look up.

"I don't know, how should I know anyway?" He scoffs.

"Am I sensing attitude from you?" He puts his arms around your waist watching your tea as he hugs you from behind.

"Don't you always?" He smiles pecking your cheek.

Chris starts screaming and crying his head off "I call dibs!" Joshua takes off leaving you there shocked.

"Did you just call dibs on my baby?!" You follow after him.

"Takes two to tango." Joshua points out.

You ran down to your tea sensing that the loud noise wouldn't help baby Chris, you stopped the tea but only heard Chris continue to cry and scream.

"Mommy! It's broken!" Joshua walks towards you.

"Do we still have the receipt for him? Because I think you broke him." Joshua hands you the baby.

You giggle "Chris isn't broken, he just likes his mommy better." You walk into the living room continuing to play with baby Chris.

"That's rude and uncalled for." Joshua sits next to you.

Chris looks at him and starts smiling and laughing "You don't like him do you?" Joshua looks at you.

"I helped you make him, if it wasn't for me it would look at good as he does." Joshua whines.

"Who said you helped?" He looks at you raising an eyebrow.

"Because it takes two to fuck."

"And it takes my-"

You smack his shoulder hard "Ow!" He looks at you holding his shoulder.

"Don't say that in front of him!" You scold.

"Fine, it takes my good looks." You roll your eyes.

"And that's why he looks more like me?" Joshua scoffs when he panics about Chris crying again.

"Dad! He's broken! You take him!" You smile.

Joshua takes his son "Sometimes your mommy is crazy." Josh whispers.

"And your dad is a jerk." Joshua looks at you.

"And yet you love me." He pecks your lips before you go back to your tea.

"Who said so?" Joshua scoffs.

"You did! At our wedding!"

"And I recall you saying it back, Joshua."

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