The New Character Is...

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Holy hell mates!! Whoa got Australian again I like it ;)! Anyway guys you all are simply amazing, just amazing..... How is it when I put up a vote you all manage to do something totally shocking!! Well as promised you get a new character and the Surprise Character is revealed even if he didn't win! Are you ready, yes? Alright here we go!

And the winner of the reader chosen vote is....... Drum roll please.....




I told you guys that you had managed to do something shocking! Half of you voted Jefferson and the other half voted for.......... Surprise surprise, who was our Halloween character now known as the famous Chase Collins from The Covenant.

Fun fact: Sebastian Stan did all his own stunts in The Covenant.

Anyways so instead of doing another vote or making up some stupid rules about which character I wanna do I decided to write both characters! Now what's the point in a vote if you're gonna write both characters? You guys voted and I wanted to see what you guys would prefer, and I found out.

So to meet all your Sebby needs I decided to do both! Now I have taken down the chapter where you vote so no one else goes in to try to vote because voting is over! But here's a new thing those of you who voted for Jefferson he will be first since his votes came in first.

Now as for the surprise character - Chase Collins. He will be written after Jefferson but it will still be like every other one even if it is slightly different then what I'm used to but I'll manage!

I hope you enjoy the surprise character! And Jefferson I'm very excited to write both of them!

                                                                XOXO Danosaurious.

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