Shadowtech Databanks

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Maya's notes for Public Disclosure #2

Gade Blood is the type of blood taken from extraterrestrial human-like beings called Gades. The blood has different classifications, and examples are Reignegadian, Pscythgadian, Bhumagadian, Nanogadian and Sirenogadian Blood. Each type of blood has different attributes giving the owner a certain kind of power. The reason why the blood has gained such power is still unknown. Then Blood Magic appeared.

Blood Magic is the term used to call any kind of magic that involves the use of Blood Rays. The power and quality of this type of magic is determined by its color. Blood Rays are rays, composed of microparticles packed together to form a snake-like structure that names it. These Blood Rays are used for multiple purposes like formation of weapons, and as a direct attack weapon.

Blood Magic is weaker if sterilized Gade Blood is injected into a human. Gades could do Blood Magic better. If a human injected with Gade Blood shares his blood to another person through injection, the shared Gade blood will be corrupted and the person shared with the owned Gade blood will experience severe side effects like random mutation and uncontrollable rage with dangerous magic.

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