Day 9: Mail and Red Bull (Dec. 12)

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(video camera turns on in living room)

Lizzy: Hello everyone! Welcome to Tuesday and-

Yusei: (slams mail on the table)

Lizzy: Excuse me, you're interrupting my intro!!!!

Yusei: This is all the mail we have today.

Jaden: That's a ton of mail! What's all of it for?

Yugi: Oh, it's that time of the year again. Oh great!!

Lizzy: (gasps) I completely forgot about this! You guys get a bunch of fan mail from girls at this school. I don't get any because that would be awkward!

Jaden: How is that awkward?

Lizzy: (turns to him) Do you remember what kind of mail you would get?


Yusei: (hands Jaden some mail) That's for you. (hands Yugi some mail) That's for you...hey Lizzy, you get mail!

Lizzy: Oh my goodness, I do?! Yay!!

Yusei: (hands her some mail)

Lizzy: That's an improvement from last year! I didn't even get mail when you guys got some. Let's see what it is. (opens one piece of mail) Aww, I got a Christmas card from Keiza! I remember that I told her about this incident and she felt bad for me.

Jaden: Awww!!

Yugi: What's the other letter you got?

Lizzy: Let's find out! (opens letter) Oh, it's another Christmas card! But it doesn't say who it's from though. Ooh, a little candy cane!!!

Jaden: Anonymous admirer!!!!!

Lizzy: (tilts her head) You think so?

Yusei: (nods) It looks like it. Trust us, we got a lot of that mail today.

Lizzy: Oh. So what do I do? Should I find out who it is?

Yugi: I don't think you should worry about that now. What you should worry about is when Jaden drinks the Red Bull on the kitchen counter.

Lizzy: Oh yeah! Jaden is actually gonna do it! Since winter break starts Friday and I don't think we'll remember by the time we come back, we're doing this now!

Jaden: Woohoo!!

Yusei: I don't say this often but I'll say it now...I'm kind of scared.

Lizzy: Me too and if Jaden goes seriously high, you can camp out in Yugi's or my room.

Yugi: (nods)

Yusei: Thanks, I appreciate it.

Jaden: (grabs Red Bull drink) All right, let's do this!

Lizzy: (points camera to Jaden) Okay, take one sip and see how it feels.

Jaden: (nods and takes a sip)

Yusei: (takes out his phone to record it) How do you feel?

Jaden: I feel okay. I don't feel strange.

Yugi: Okay, now you can drink more if you want.

Jaden: (drinks more but accidentally drinks everything)

Lizzy: What on earth?! You drank it all so fast!

Yugi: Are you okay? Do you feel strange?

Jaden: (shakes his head)

Lizzy: Huh. Okay, that's weird. I thought you'd go crazy...anyway, that's it for today! Thanks for watching and we'll see you tomorrow! Bye!

(some time later)

Lizzy: (stares at camera as Jaden runs around the hallway screaming loudly) Well, it works now.

(door swings open and Yugi and Yusei enter the room)

Lizzy: Camp out in my room?

Yugi: Yup.

Yusei: Uh-huh.

Lizzy: Sounds good to me.

(turns video camera off)

Hey guys, thanks for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed the randomness that was this chapter! If you have any suggestions for chapters to come, you can comment if you'd like! See you next chapter!! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now