Day 83: The Day of the Snowball Fight (Feb. 24)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hey guys, it's time for a snowball fight! Today is Saturday and like I just said, we're gonna have a snowball fight. I'm excited. (turns camera to the boys) Are you guys excited?

Jaden: Yes!!

Yusei: I am.

Yugi: Me too!

Lizzy: Then let's get our snow gear on and go outside!


Lizzy: Okay, this may be a bad idea but I'm recording right now and hopefully I won't get shot by a snowball. We were trying to make teams earlier but apparently it's free-for-all now.

William: It's like Smash Bros.!

Lizzy: Yeah, where everyone wants to throw snowballs at each other instead of killing each other like in Smash Brothers! (laughs a little) Anyway, we should probably make teams sooner-(gets hit with a snowball) Hey!!! I don't appreciate getting hit with a snowball!

Ryan and William: (point at each other) He did it.

Lizzy: (glares at the both of them) You will pay the price!! (starts chasing them)


Lizzy: We're finally making teams now but we have a lot of people joining us. There's  me, Melody, Keiza, Will, Ryan, Ian, Nuru, Crow, Yusei, Jaden, Chazz, Joey, Yugi, Bakura, Jesse, Alexis, and plenty more people that I don't know!

Ryan: It's a party!

Chazz: If that's what you want to call it.

Lizzy: Let's figure out these teams so that they can be even.


Lizzy: The teams are made but I realize there might have been a fatal mistake.

Jesse: Fatal mistake?

Lizzy: Crow and Yusei are on the same team.

William: Oh boy.

Jesse: Is that a bad thing?

Lizzy: Yes because a while ago when my brother still attended this school, he and his friends had an all-out snowball fight during this time of year. Yusei and Crow were a part of the snowball fight and all that I heard was that it was really intense.

Crow: Oh yeah, I remember that! It was really fun until Jack got a black eye.

Ryan: How did he get a black eye?!

Crow: Jarod threw the snowball really hard at him.

Lizzy: (sighs) Why am I not surprised?

Chazz: (groans) Can we start this already?

Lizzy: (a bit snarky) Okay, let's start with an activity before we start the fight: throw all the snowballs at Chazz for being impatient!

Chazz: What?!!

Everyone else: (smirks and starts throwing snowballs at Chazz)

Chazz: (starts running from the group)

Everyone else: (laugh)

Lizzy: Now let's get him back here and start the snowball fight!


Lizzy: Well, that was fun. Everyone had a good time and no one broke anything. (turns camera to the boys) Did you guys have fun?

Jaden: Yeah!!

Yugi: It was really fun.

Yusei: (nods)

Lizzy: Great! Well, I'm gonna stop recording right here. Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

Wow, I got this a little late but then again today is Saturday so I'm really on time!!!!! Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter!! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora