Day 142: Jaden and Shrimp (Apr. 24)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello guys and welcome to pure madness. Today is Tuesday and it is almost dinner time......Jaden is making dinner. I don't know if you guys remember but a long time ago when the journals were first starting, Jaden made some spaghetti. It was pretty good but now I'm not sure what's going to happen because Jaden is making shrimp. (turns camera to Jaden in the kitchen) Now Jay, you gotta make sure that you don't screw this up.

Jaden: (pouts) I won't! Don't you have any faith in me?

Lizzy: I do but I know you well enough to know that something might happen.

Jaden: (sighs) That is kind of true. But I'm gonna prove you wrong! I am going to cook this well!!!

Lizzy: (smiles) That's the spirit! Prove us all wrong and make some good shrimp.

Jaden: (grins happily and gets back to cooking)

Lizzy: (turns camera to herself and whispers) He's gonna do just fine.


Lizzy: It's an hour or so later and the food is done. (turns camera to the shrimp in a bowl) It looks pretty good, Jaden! I can't wait to eat it.

Jaden: (frowns) I burnt the first few though!

Yusei: But considering the fact that this was your first time cooking shrimp, you did pretty good.

Yugi: Yeah! Can we eat it now?

Lizzy: Of course! Everyone, commence eating the shrimp!!

Yusei: You don't need to make a proclamation.

Lizzy: Don't care! Now just eat!!

Everyone: (starts eating the shrimp)

Lizzy: Mmmmm!! That's pretty good!

Jaden: Eh, it's kind of bland.

Yusei: (goes to the fridge, opens it, and grabs the soy sauce)

Lizzy: Soy sauce!!!

Jaden: That'll do the trick!

Yugi: (laughs) When in doubt, just use soy sauce.

Yusei: I'm pretty sure it's not for everything.

Lizzy: Sure it is!! Soy sauce can be used for pretty much everything!

Everyone: (laughs)

Jaden: (dips shrimp in soy sauce and eats it) Yup, that's much better!

Yusei: (does the same and nods) Now it tastes a lot better.

Lizzy: (giggles) As we eat this savory dish, I'm going to end things here. Thank you for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

All right, that's the end of the chapter!!! Thanks for reading and see ya on the next one! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora