Day 179: Last Day of School (May 31)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hey guys! Today is Thursday and we have done it! We have finally done it. It took us a long time to get this far but it has been done. School has ended for the summer! Yes!!! (turns camera to the boys) We did it!

Yugi: Woohoo!!

Jaden: FINALLY!!!

Yusei: Now what?

Lizzy: We finish....most of the packing we have to do.

Jaden: Most? I haven't even started yet!

The three: (facepalms)

Jaden: What? Did you guys already started packing?!

Yugi: I mean, it's a good idea to start early.

Jaden: But why didn't you tell me to pack early?!

Yusei: Because we assumed that you would do it. It's a logical thing to do.

Jaden: You can't expect me to be logical all the time! I'm barely logical to begin with, besides Duel Monsters!

Lizzy: That's a sick burn on yourself, my friend.

Jaden: But I do have a point.

Yusei: I'm afraid so.

Yugi: But you're logical sometimes.

Jaden: Not all the time.

Lizzy: Hey, not everyone can be logical all the time.

Yugi: (whispers something to Yusei)

Yusei: Huh?

Yugi: (whispers again)

Yusei: O-Oh. (runs off to his room, slightly embarassed)

Lizzy: What just happened?

Yugi: Nothing.

Jaden: (tilts his head) Was it that bad?

Yugi: Depends on who you talk to.

Yusei: (comes back to the living room) Hey, I'm back.

Lizzy: What happened?

Yusei: It's.....probably something I shouldn't discuss while you have that camera.

Lizzy: You can just whisper it and I'll put the camera somewhere far away.

Yusei: U-Um, I still don't wanna say.

Jaden: Can I know?

Yugi: (whispers to Jaden)

Jaden: (bursts out laughing)

Yusei: (blushes)

Lizzy: Why can't I know?!

Jaden: It's best if you don't know.

Lizzy: (pouts) Fine, I'll probably figure it out later. Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal!!! Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon