Day 170: Different Topics (May 22)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello friends!! Today is Tuesday and I just sent a letter!.......No seriously, I just sent a letter to the post office and I just now came back. If you guys remember yesterday, one of my buddies decided to send me a package of camera batteries because of the previous journal. If you guys want to know the entire story, then go back to Sunday's journal because it's quite a journey. I hope my letter gets to you soon, Alex! It's a long letter too....prepare yourself for it when it arrives. Anyway, today is also day 170!

Jaden: Hooray, we made it!

Lizzy: Yay!!!!

Yusei: That means 30 more days until 200......wait, that's in June!

Lizzy: Have no worries, friend. We will meet again near the end of June.

Yusei: Oh yeah.

Jaden: Weren't you the one that brought it up last time?

Yusei: (shrugs) I don't know.

Lizzy: It's not what he's worried about right now.

Yusei: I'm more worried about exams next week.

Jaden: (groans) Don't remind me!!

Yugi: (sweatdrops) It won't be so bad. Just study out the material the teachers give you.

Jaden: (whines) But studying is hard!

Lizzy: School isn't suppposed to be that easy, my friend. We have this week to get an early start, so you can try that.

Jaden: (groans more and heads to his dorm room)

Yugi: Do you think he'll actually study?

Yusei: He'll at least try to study but he has a tendency to fall asleep after the first few minutes.

Lizzy: Should we study too then?

Yusei: If you want to. I'm gonna start tomorrow since I'm almost finished with another engine I'm working on.

Lizzy: How many engines can you work on?!

Yusei: Hey, it depends on the client. Sometimes I work on one while other times I have to work on two. It's pretty time consuming.

Yugi: I believe it.

Lizzy: Me too since you're stuck in your room most of the time.

Yusei: (sighs) It can't be helped sometimes. I'm sorry.

Lizzy: Don't worry. Even though I tease you a lot about it, you have to do what you have to do.

Yusei: (pats Lizzy's head)

Lizzy: (gasps) You pat my head!!

Yusei: Yeah. So?

Lizzy: (pouts) Don't do that!

Yugi: (pats Lizzy's head too)

Lizzy: Hey!!!!!

Yusei and Yugi: (laugh)

Lizzy: I will slap you all!!!!

Yusei: No, you won't.

Lizzy: I will....after I end this journal. Thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

That's the end of the chapter!!! Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now