Day 118: Going Back To The Dorms (Mar. 31)

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(video camera turns on in the apartment)

Lizzy: (zips up her small suitcase) Well, I'm all packed up! (turns camera to Akiza) Are you packed?

Akiza: (nods)

Lizzy: Okeydokey. Now let's go eat.....we're getting sushi, right?

Akiza: Yup. Are you going to get sushi this time?

Lizzy: (laughs) I will this time.


Lizzy: Oh wow, I don't think I've properly introduced the journal today. So I will do so now. Hi guys! Today is Saturday and we are heading back to our dorms now. It's been a good week away from school but it has to come to an end. (turns to Akiza) Now I'm barely going to see you because our dorms are so far away from each other. I keep wondering why the dorms are so spread out though. Who made that a thing?

Akiza: (shrugs) I don't know but I'm sure we'll see each other once in awhile.

Lizzy: Yeah. I'll see you around, my friend.

Akiza: Bye!


Lizzy: (opens the door to the dorm) Hellooooooooo? Is anyone home?

The boys: No!

Lizzy: Okay, I'm coming in anyway and I'll probably destroy everything in the process! (walks in and puts her stuff in the living room) man, it's good to be back.

Jaden: (hops out of his room, wrapped tightly in a blanket) Hi Lizzy!

Lizzy: Uh.......may I ask what happened to you?

Jaden: Oh! You know those memes where people are wrapped in blankets like a burrito?

Lizzy: Yeah?

Jaden: Well, I wanted to see what it felt like to be wrapped up, so Yusei and Yugi helped me out!

Lizzy: So how do you feel?

Jaden: (grins) I feel like a burrito!! (hops around more) This is really fun!

Lizzy: ....Okay now I am certain that nothing will be able to top this for the video. So thanks for watching and enjoy watching Jaden hop around some more. (turns camera to Jaden hopping)

Jaden: You need to try this!

Lizzy: I will but probably not this second.

(turns video camera off)

That's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now