Day 114: Mall Day!! (Mar. 27)

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(video camera turns on in the apartment)

Lizzy: Hello Internet friends! Today is Tuesday and we are going to the mall. It's going to be me, Aki, Melody, Keiza, Aaliyah, Melody, Valerie, Alexis, and Téa. It's basically a girl's day.

Akiza: Yup!

Lizzy: I'm hoping that I survive, although I've survived these occasions multiple times.

Akiza: You'll do fine. What's the worst that could happen?

Lizzy: I don't know and I don't want to find out. But let's have some fun today.


Lizzy: Mall time!! We are all here to have a good time and I got the people with me. (turns camera to the girls) You pretty much know the crew except.....did I ever introduce Téa and Alexis?

Melody: (shrugs)

Keiza: I have no idea, girl.

Téa: Well, I guess you are now!

Lizzy: Indeed! Internet audience, this is Téa and Alexis.

Lizzy: Indeed! Internet audience, this is Téa and Alexis

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Téa: Hi there!

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Téa: Hi there!

Alexis: Hello!

Lizzy: Now which store should we go to first?

Keiza: Let's go to a tourist shop!

Lizzy: There's a tourist shop?

Melody: Yup, it's nearby where we are.

Lizzy: Then let's go!!


Lizzy: It's lunchtime and we all grabbed ramen except for me!! I decided to get some udon.

Akiza: Why did you get udon?

Lizzy: Because I made a personal decision and when you make a personal decision, it kind of overrides peer pressure.

Keiza: Does it, Lizzy? Does it?

Lizzy:.......You know, I have no idea. I just felt like saying that.

Everyone else: (laugh)

Lizzy: Anyway, I forgot to record the stores we have gone to so far because I wasn't allowed to record inside of the tourist shop. Then I forgot to take out my camera for the rest of the time.

Aaliyah: You seem to forget to record a lot.

Lizzy: I really do but it seems like people enjoy the content anyway. I can't promise the audience that I am going to record more of the mall but we'll see what happens.

Keiza, Melody, Valerie, and Aaliyah: (sighs)

Téa: At least she's honest.


Lizzy: I found a polka dot tank top. It looks nice and apparently it matches my complexion.

Is that right, Mel?

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Is that right, Mel?

Melody: That is correct.

Valerie: It does look good on you!!

Lizzy: Hmm....I think I'll try it on.


Lizzy: That was a fun time going to the mall for the day with the other girls. We all had a blast and I actually bought that tank top. Everyone was proud of me because I'm not much of a clothes shopper. Thanks for watching today and see you tomorrow. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal!!! Thanks for reading and see you next chapter! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now