Day 188: A Mix of Sadness and Fun (Jun. 9)

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(video camera turns on in the living room)

Lizzy: Hello friends! Today is Saturday and as I mentioned, or thoroughly explained, yesterday, my friends are gonna go visit our friend's grave. (turns to Keiza) You ready for this?

Keiza: (nods) Are you gonna be okay?

Lizzy: (takes a deep breath) We'll see but I think I'll be fine. (turns to the camera) We're gonna hit the road now.


Lizzy: (sighs) We made it. We're all here.(turns camera to the group) And we have approached Oliver. (turns camera to the grave) Hey, buddy.

William: (sadly smiles) We made it through another school year, dude. Wish you could be here.

Aaliyah: (tears in her eyes) Yeah, then he'd meet our crazy Japanese friends.

Xavier: But aren't we the crazy ones?

Melody: He has a point.

Aaliyah: (sniffles) I know but some of them are as crazy as we are.

Harry: Another good point.

Ryan: Yeah. Wish Olly was here. He would've loved this.

Everyone else: Yeah...

Lizzy: (turns to camera) That is enough sadness I'll show for this journal. Onward to other things.


Lizzy: It's time for the fun part of the day as we are at the beach!

Aaliyah: (screams) The water's cold!!!

Lizzy: Of course it is! This is the California coast, after all. It's got really cold water.

William: I thought we were gonna play beach volleyball.

Harry: But there's no net to play an actual game.

Lizzy: You don't need a net to play some vball. All you need is friends!

Harry: I've never played without a net before.

Lizzy: Well, life is all about experiences and you should experience the vball circle!

Harry: (raises his eyebrow) The what?

Keiza: We basically gather in a big circle and pass it around to each other.

Harry: And that's fun?

Lizzy: Yeah! It's tons of fun!!! You should definitely try it since we brought a volleyball with us.

Keiza: (holds up the volleyball) Yes!

Harry: Okay, then let's play volleyball.

Lizzy: Sweet! But before that, I'm gonna end the journal. Thank you so much for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal! Thanks for reading and see ya next chapter. :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن