Day 143: Now Let's Go Murder a Bug (Apr. 25)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello everyone! Today is Wednesday and I have found something quite frightening. While I was getting my breakfast this morning, I noticed something peculiar in the kitchen. Here, let me show you. (stands up and walks to the kitchen) I don't know how this happened but it somehow got in the kitchen. It's.....right next to the fridge, I think. let me see if I can find it again. It may have moved so I'll have to...........ooh, I found it! (turns camera to a little bug) A little bug has come to visit us today. Yugi and Jaden don't seem to mind it but I know, and I'm sure all of you know by now, that Yusei has a bit of insectophobia. He's doing his best to conquer his fear but our little friend here is not helping. In fact, he's stayed away from the kitchen because of it.

Yusei: (yells from his room) I'm not going in there!!

Lizzy: Well, it looks like I have no choice. (walks to her room and grabs her slipper) I must get rid of our little friend. (walks over to Yugi's room) Yug, I need your help.

Yugi: Okay, what is it?

Lizzy: There's a bug and we need to get rid it.

Yugi: By killing it or getting it away from the dorm?

Lizzy: Whichever will help get rid of it.

Yugi: Okay.

Lizzy: Now let's go murder a bug.


Lizzy: Now see if you can get the bug out from under the fridge.

Yugi: How are we going to do that?

Lizzy: Hmm....I think we should use the broomstick to lure it out. Try to get it towards the kitchen tile.

Yugi: Okay. (gets the broomstick and somehow lures the bug out)

Lizzy: (slaps the bug with her slipper repeatedly) Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die!!

Yugi: (eyes widen) Lizzy, I think it's dead already!!

Lizzy: (stops slapping) You sure? (looks at the dead bug) Oh look, it's dead. Hooray!!!! The dorm is saved!

Yugi: (sweatdrops and chuckles) Yup.

Lizzy: Now that was fun. Anyway, thanks for watching and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!!

(turns video camera off)

And that's the end of the journal!! Now before I'm done, I have a little bit of an announcement to make. That is.....I'm not going to be updated for the next few days........

WHAT?! *chuckles* Well, the reason is that I'm going on a flight and I have limited stuff to carry. So I have to leave the book that I usually write in at home. So in this case, I'm actually not going to keep track of the days I missed and just start again when I come back. Is that okay with you guys?

Anyway, thanks for reading and see ya next chapter!! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now