Day 18: The Box (Dec. 21)

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(video camera turns on in the kitchen)

Lizzy: Hey guys, it's Thursday! Also it's 4 days before Christmas. I should have mentioned that it was 5 days yesterday but honestly I was too hyper to realize it. Anyway, my mom decided to cook pancakes today! (shows pancakes) This looks very delicious! (turns to Mrs. Wood) Thank you, Mama!

Summer: Thank you, Aunt Leilani!

Keiza: Thank you!

Mrs. Wood: (smiles) You're welcome, kids!

Lizzy: Okay explanation time: When you've been in this house plenty of times, my mom will start to be referred to as an aunt. Her first name is Leilani, so it's Aunt Leilani.

Summer: Yup!!!

Lizzy: Oh by the way, Summer and Keiza are here because they stayed the night and are gonna leave later on in the morning. Now it's time to eat these delicious pancakes! Oh, it's gonna be so good with butter and syrup!! Sugar high again!!!


Jarod: (yells) Lizzy, there's a package for you!

Lizzy: (in her room) A package for me?! I hope it's what I think it is! (runs out of her room)

James: Uh Lizzy, it's a box...

Lizzy: Can I see, can I see?

Jarod: (hands her the box)

Lizzy: (begins to open the box) Man, I hope this is what I'm hoping it is. Otherwise, I can't do the thing tomorrow!

Jarod: What thing?

James: It's THE thing.

Jarod: (confused) What?

James: We can't just say it while the camera is here.

Jarod: Oh, I'm pretty sure we can!

Lizzy: Nope, you can't. I supposed to be a surprise.

Jarod: Oh.

James: You see??

(a phone rings)

Lizzy: Snap, that's my phone! Gotta answer it!!! (runs back to her room and answers the phone) Hello?........Oh, hey! How are you?.....Well, I'm recording a journal right now! Not much has actually happened today. But I did get a package today...I'm hoping it is!...No, you're not on speaker. Why are you asking?.....Oh my goodness, relax! It's not the end of the world!...Speaking of which, wanna say hi to the viewers? I'm literally recording right now....Aww, please?....(laughs) That's the excuse you come up with? Dude, you are weird...Okay, I'll leave you to whatever you were up to at this point. See ya! (hangs up the phone) I'm pretty sure you can guess who that was. Anyway, where's the box?

Jarod: (comes into the room with the box) Hey, you forgot this.

Lizzy: Yay, perfect timing! Thank you for the box! (gets it from her brother) All right, let's finish opening this box! (opens the box fully) Yay, this is it! This is the package I was waiting for! But I can't show you the contents until tomorrow so....yeah. Sorry about that, guys! It is imperative that I keep this a secret.

Jarod: Why do you need to keep it a secret?

Lizzy: Because I want to! I'm just that type of person. Mwahahahahahaha!

Jarod: (laughs and shakes his head) You definitely are crazy.

Lizzy: Who do you think I get it from?

Jarod: Mom and Dad!!

Lizzy: Uh yeah but some of it is from you.

Jarod: No, it's not.

Lizzy: Yes, it is.

Jarod: No, it's not.

Lizzy: Yes, it is!

Jarod: No.

Lizzy: Yes.

Jarod: No.

Lizzy: Yes.

Jarod: No!

Lizzy: Yes!

Jarod: No!!

Lizzy: Yes!!

James: (comes into the room) Thank you guys for watching this journal for the day. As you can see, these two will not stop arguing for a while so I'll end this journal thing today.

Lizzy: (laughs) Thank you, James! I appreciate you a lot.

Jarod: Maybe we should get a second opinion from James.

Lizzy: Good idea!!

James: Oh dear.

(turns video camera off)

All right, that was Day 18! Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you look forward to the next one! It's gonna be great! See ya then! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now