Day 132: Ughhhh, this episode!!! (Apr. 14)

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(video camera turns on in the dorm living room)

Lizzy: Hello friends!! Today is Saturday and our music performance.

Yusei: I thought it was a talent show.

Lizzy: That too!

Jaden: Are you nervous?

Lizzy: Um.....I would say maybe a tiny bit but I'm sure we'll do fine. Everyone gets a little nervous sometimes!

Yugi: Or a lot nervous.

Lizzy: Yeah, that too.

Yusei: How's Dylan holding up since he's your lead?

Lizzy: He's doing good! He's been practicing all week so that he can get it right for tomorrow.

Jaden: Did he do it?

Lizzy: I think so. He sounds great so he'll be ready to roll!


Lizzy: Ughhhh, this episode!!! This episode hit me right in the feels.

Yusei: I knew the ending was gonna happen!! I just knew it.

Jaden: But it's not a love triangle.

Yusei: Who cares! I knew that something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.

Lizzy: And it's gonna get more complicated from there! Thanks for watching today and see you tomorrow for more fun. Bye!!

(turns video camera off)

Wow, I forgot to post this.....whoops! Anyway, thanks for reading and see ya next chapter! :)

Lizzy's "Video Journal" featuring Yu-Gi-Oh characters and OCs (Wattys 2018)Where stories live. Discover now