Chapter 1. Wayo

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Wayo's POV

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, I'm sure. I don't want to be cooped up inside that house anymore."

"Okay. Okay. Just so you know, I might not be with you all the time since you wanted to go to a faculty different from mine, but if you ever need anything just call me okay?"

"Yes P'Forth, I will, thank you." I say to my over worried brother. In just a few minutes I will arrive at my new dorm where I will be living for the rest of my time at my new school.

My name is Wayo Jamorhun, I turned 18 not too long ago and tomorrow will be my first day at my new school. I have been homeschooled for years. Never going to a high school and just staying at home with the private teacher. I didn't hate it, but it wasn't really what I wanted. My Dad and brother are really overprotective over me, so they told me it was safer. My brother thought I would be an easy target to get bullied, I'm short, pale, wore glasses and braces and had a lot of acne. This was maybe the only reason I didn't mind being homeschool. Nobody would be disgusted by the breakouts on my face and I definitely wasn't getting teased for it at home. However I was getting pretty lonely, Dad was busy a lot with his work and P'Forth went to high school and university like any other normal student. It was just me and the teacher for 8 hours until P'Forth would come home and sometimes he would bring over his friends who I actually started liking, they never bullied me, sometimes brought me food and just made me feel comfortable. But now I just wanted to make my own friends, so after begging my dad and P'Forth for days on days during the break they finally gave in. Luckily my face has improved over the last couple of years, if I had even a bit of acne left I think P'Forth would refuse and not sway. I'm just a little bit taller now, standing at an average 178cm. My braces were removed, I switched out my thick glasses for contacts and my face is clear of any acne or scarring.

We arrived at the dorm and my room was small but comfortable. We put down the boxes with my stuff on a pile next to the bed. There was a bed, a little night stand, a closet, coffee table, desk and chair, a couch and 2 cupboards. There was a door leading to a small bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink with a mirror. Nothing too much but everything I needed was here. I was really looking forward to living on my own. Kind of. It wasn't exactly the same as owning my own house but owning a dorm room was good enough for now.

I'm going to study at the faculty of Fine Arts as a freshman whilst my brother P'Forth is going into his 3rd year at the faculty of Business Administration. He actually was the moon for his faculty in his first year, sadly enough he lost to the Moon of Medicine and ended up getting runner-up. P'Forth is currently 22, so I actually started University a year before he did. He took a break after high school to work for my dad. I can't really say anything about my Dad's job since he doesn't want me involved too much, but I already know is that his work isn't

I've been at home for years so a little snooping around seems unavoidable doesn't it? I found out that my dad is kind of a leader of an organized gang and as I'm seeing things, I'm pretty sure he wants Forth to take over. My dad is also the CEO of a car-part trading/selling company but I think he uses that mostly as a cover up. Not to say it doesn't work. Nobody suspects my dad to be a leader of a gang, then again lately there has been a lot of different gang activity all over Thailand. It's nothing like those gangs you see on TV, that just deal drugs and shoot people that they don't like or go on their territory. Most Gangs these days are a bit more sophisticated. Most...not all. Luckily my dad is one of the less violent ones. And I'm glad. I know that P'Forth is going to take over and I have no say in it. Hell, they don't even know that I found out. But P'Forth isn't the biggest fan of gang violence. I just dislike violence in general, I know what my dad is doing and it's dangerous, but I can't change it and I hate that. My dad has been doing this before I was even born so he knows what he's doing and to keep himself and his family safe, I just really really don't like even the thought of them being in danger and might getting killed.

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