Chapter 84. Rescue Mission

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Wayo's POV

"P'Pavel..." I said a bit louder than just under my breath. He seemed to have heard me and muttered something before looking around and slowly jogging towards me. One other guard seemed to notice but instead of saying anything just turned around in a different direction.

"Uhm...hi Yo." He said awkwardly crouching next to me.

"P'Pavel what are you doing here? What am i doing here still? Where are P'Pha, P'Forth and Kit?"

"I don't know baby Yo, i'm sorry. I'm working for Phana's mother's either work for her or die and in this world everything is about survival."

"What do you mean? What happened? Where are your dad and mom?"

"They died Yo..."


"Yeah...I'm sad but in this type of business it was to be expected."

"How did this all happen to you?"

"Our men got killed when we didn't expect an attack, we couldn't even call it a was, it was just mindless slaughter. That woman kept me alive because if everyone in my family died, the fortune of our family would go to charity and she didn't want that. I was kept alive so i could give her the money."


"Not all bad people are bad Yo." He chuckled a bit.

"I never said you were bad?"

"No, no you didn't but i am. I'm not a good person and this is just the result of that, but don't worry Yo, if i can do one thing right, it is protecting you. Don't be scared i won't let her lay another finger on you."

"Thank you Phi, please when this is all over. Leave this life behind and live your own."

"I wish it was that simple Nong, but i should go back to my position, the others might get suspicious." He said and i simply nodded in reply, he gave me a sad smile and ruffled my hair as he walked back to his position.

P'Pavel really looks misarable here and i hate it. Pavel and i don't differ much in age, only 3 years. Making him 1 year younger than P'Forth. As for how i know him, back in the day when i was around the ages 8-14, My dad sometimes took me with him and Forth for his meetings, back then i was too young to understand what was really going on but i remember one of my father's partners was Pavel's dad. Everytime we visited Pavel spent time with me, took care of me and played with me. In a sense you could say he was one of my first friends but we didn't really see each other often, however there weren't a lot of people i met other then some of the kids of my dad's partner's and some of the kids of our members so i always made sure to remember them. P'Pavel grew up a lot and his face changed a lot as well but his eyes looked too familiar for me to forget. When he looked me right in the eyes i immediately remembered him. I feel a bit better knowing i have someone here for me, but i feel sad knowing that Phana's mother ambushed his gang and killed his parents, i liked his parents as well. I'm sure P'Pha and P'Forth will save me and this will all be over soon and when it is, i am going to take P'Pavel with us, give him the life that he wishes for.


Phana's POV

"Everyone in location?"

"Yes Sir, we have surrounded the building undiscovered, their members surrounding the premice have been taken out."

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