Chapter 82. Wanting to help

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Wayo's POV

P'Forth got a call from Kit while we were eating at a ramen restaurant saying that their mother came back to school, i know P'Pha doesn't have the best relationship with his mother but shouldn't he be happy? From what i saw from P'Forth's reaction, nobody really seemed that happy with her return, maybe it's because their parents aren't together anymore and P'Pha wants to stay with his dad?

P'Forth payed for our food before basically dragging me to the car.

"P'Forth! Calm down! Why are you rushing?"

"We have to hurry Yo, i don't trust that woman with Kit and Pha."

"What? Why, it's his mother, can't they just talk it out?"

"I guess it's kind of my fault you would think that..." He said starting the car and driving off towards the school i guess.

"Phi, why? Did you hide something from me again?"

"Yes. Sorry Yo but i will probably never tell you this stuff unless i need to."

"I don't want to be kept in the dark Phi, now tell me!" I said getting angry that they are hiding things again from me, this is the reason why i starting finding out things for myself, because they always lied to me to 'protect me'.

"Okay okay! Phana's mother tried to assassinate him."

"Wait? What!?"

"Yeah, his mother is part of a smaller gang up north, probably the leader as well, we found out they entered our territory a while ago and some of the men were swarming around Kit and Phana but our men took them all out and now that his mother came here it can't be a simple coinsidence."

"Wow..." I say dumbstruck, it shouldn't really suprise me by now but it still feels bad when your own mother wants to kill you. I tried to think of reasons why and honestly the answer came to me too easily. "She wants revenge against his dad."

"You figured that out quite fast little brother."

"I'm no idiot P'Forth...I've been surrounded by mafia and gangs all my life, i pick up things quickly, which is why i didn't want you, P'Pha or Pa to keep me in the dark."

"I'm sorry Yo but we are just..."

"...trying to protect me, i know, i know! But it annoys me. Keeping the truth away from me won't keep me safe or carefree. Sure i will be scared sometimes, i know i am a possible target but P'Forth stop keeping things from me when i want to help."

"You grow up so fast." P'Forth chuckles and ruffles my hair, his demeanor seemed to have calmed down.

"I know you don't like death, murder or generally the business we are in but from now on, if you ask us something we will answer okay? No more secrets."

"Thank you Phi. I couldn't ask for more." "But one thing is still bothering me. The approach from Phana's mom is too direct, why would she go to Phana directly if she really had a plan she should've known his personality would go against her. If she really is the leader she would've come up with a different plan. A more thought out one." It was silent for a moment, i looked at P'Forth and he looked at me as if i grew a second head.

"Where are you getting these things from? How do you even know this?" My brother asks and i smirk at him.

"P'Forth i haven't been sitting around for a year, i have been learning stuff. I want to be useful to you and P'Pha, so i asked First, Li Tang, Brian and Jason to teach me a few things."

"And what is 'a few things'?"

"Well...First is teaching me about underground trades and income spreading, Li Tang taught me hacking and it's really fun! It's like playing a video game. Brian thought me some fighting, interrogation and torture techniques but i doubt i will ever be using them, the torture is a bit too gruesome for my taste, but the fighting helped a bit and Jason is teaching me about knots, locks and digsuises."

"Have...have you been doing this with Kit?"

"Nope. Kit is learning other stuff. We both wanted to help you guys out."

"So what is Kit learning?"

"Can't tell, it's a suprise."

" secrets from Phi na."

"Fine...Kit is going to be mad at me though."

"I can live with that." With that i slapped my brother's shoulder but he just laughed.

"Kit is still busy with his speech classes but he is also learning multiple languages, first aid and pickpocketing."

"How come i don't know these things?"

"We did them in secrecy, we wanted it to be a suprise but i just had to let it out. Also because the men you sent to spy on us are pretty easy to trick."

"Spy? W-what are you talking about?"

"P'Forth...i know the faces of all our members since i grew up with them and P'Pha just so happened to be stupid enough to put Ai'Dar in my class to spy on me and after that i started noticing the others."

"Ai'Pha you idiot..." Forth muttered under his breath. It was funny really, i occasionally got hit on after i recovered even though people knew i was with P'Pha and he kind of caught wind of it so he put Dar in my class to spy on me and to make sure people don't touch me, how did i know? Because Dar studied at a different faculty and i got into his phone to see his conversation with P'Pha. It was kind of annoying but endearing at the same time...possessive bastard...

We arrived at the general faculty of the school and P'Forth told me they should be at the principals office, as we arrived we saw P'Pha holding onto Kit as they were sitting on the floor. P'Forth didn't hesitate and ran to Kit and P'Pha handed him to P'Forth before jogging over to me and pulling me in his arms. P'Pha hid his face in my neck and i wrapped my arms around him.

"P'Pha what happened?"

"Nothing baby...just let me hold you for a bit." P'Pha said with a strained voice and i started noticing how he was shaking and how hard he was breathing. After he calmed down and took out his head from my neck he gave me a soft kiss on the lips as he shot me that handsome smile again. His eyes weren't red or pussy so he wan't crying or scared, maybe he was angry?

P'Pha took us to the parking lot and explained what just happened, P'Forth became fuming, he actually talked about the voilent things he would do to that woman and it is hard to get P'Forth angry to a point where he wants to physically hurt you.

We were going to head out again but i had to pee really badly, so i excused myself to go to the bathroom as they waited. 

I did my business and started washing my hands and felt hands frimly on my sides.

"P'Pha~ i told you to wai-" I looked in the mirror and saw a person i didn't recognize, but before i could jump away i felt a prick in my side and everything turned black.

"P'Pha~ i told you to wai-" I looked in the mirror and saw a person i didn't recognize, but before i could jump away i felt a prick in my side and everything turned black

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Sorry for the short chapter, just didn't have a lot planned to happen in this chapter :P <3

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