Chapter 51. Fully Recovered

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Phana's POV

After leaving Kit and Forth to do their own things i walked back to Yo's room. Yo was awake already, probably from all the noise my dad was making. I'm annoyed that he has woken up my baby when he needs rest but i'm glad he has finally opened his eyes again.

"Hi baby." I softly spoke to him as i sat next to his bed again.

"Hi, P'Pha." He said with a hoarse voice and a small smile, i grabbed a bottle of water and made him drink some through a straw. He sounded a lot better after drinking a little and i was happy i could hear my angel speak again. Pressing the button for the nurse on the headboard, a nurse and a doctor arrived not even 2 minutes later. They inspected Yo's condition and were satisfied with how he was looking, the stitching was still applied well, it would leave a scar but Yo didn't seem to mind. They wanted to keep him here for 3 days on bed rest just to make sure the stitches won't rip out at the smallest movement but aside from that my baby is back in perfect health. 

It was now the third day of Yo's stay in the hospital, tommorow morning he was finally allowed to leave. I have been his personal nurse so he never had to lift a finger, if people at school saw me like this they would probably be laughing their asses off but there is nothing i wouldn't do for my Yo, even if i had to drag myself through dirt, fight my way through fire and flames or murder a whole school of people, i would do it all without hesitation for him.

Yo also looked a lot better, he got his color back, his beautiful pale skin not deadly white anymore and those dull colored lips now back to the full and lush pink they used to be. I made sure he didn't lose a single pound with all the food i kept ordering for him. I would complain if it was anybody else i was doing this for but when he gave me those kisses to thank me i melted. You could not say no to this body, no wonder he is so spoiled.

This was the better part of his stay here, but there was also some concerning news. My dad never let anything of him be heard, both me and Kit called my father countless times but he never responded, Yo's dad also came to visit once after he had woken up but that was it. Yo and Forth couldn't reach their dad as well after his last visit. Me and Forth are both troubled by this as we are suspecting a possible gang war to happen, and my dad will never let a war go clean. Only when all his enemies are dead with their guts spilled and their families dead, will he be happy. It is only now that i am thinking about my father that i notice how cruel and inhumane he truly is. Compared to him i'm an infant. And i hope it stays that way, sure i will never be innocent, killing is in my blood and manipulation is my skill but i don't do that extreme stuff anymore. Possibly because if Yo finds out that i did those things he will have my ass for it. Yo is the love of my life and he has also become my filter, my limit. He is the one to keep me sane and human. I could already feel myself become more like my dad every passing day before i met Yo, but he turned all of that around. I don't care about killing, drugs, money, hookups or even playing russian roullete anymore, i only need Yo. And if my dad decides to be dumb enough to start this war, i will side with Yo, nobody else. Betraying my father might be a possibility and if he is the one to treathen Wayo's safety, that possibility will turn into a promise.

But all that aside, after my baby's health was confirmed to be stable and well i started thinking back to Pring. I never got message that she did the mental health evaluation, which made me call Beam who told me that she got bailed out a day later. I was furious and send my men to her adress or any places she frequently visits but she wasn't there, but the stranger thing was that her family wasn't either, i made them check the schools of her older and younger brother but the teachers told them they hadn't gone to school in 2 days, they couldn't have moved because the house was still on their name and not even cleaned or refurnished. My men even found a safe they had hidden with a few million baht still there, untouched. The cars were also still in the house's garage and her parents didn't come to work but didn't quit either. It wasn't until i looked at the news that i noticed the report on her dad's dissapearance. Her dad is the CEO of Thailand's number 1 insurance company and to not appear for just 2 days had the company in complete chaos. I asked Forth for who might've done this and the police on who bailed her out, but nobody knew a thing. Like her whole family just fell off the face of the earth.

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