Chapter 57. Union

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Forth's POV

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Wanna play rock paper scissors to decide?"

"Ai'Pha this isn't a joke, this is serious." I told him with a blank look.

"Ah Sorry na." He said with an innocent smile, like he didn't have a care in the world.

"Why are you acting like this doesn't bother you."

"Because it doesn't. Honestly i'm just glad my dad accepted our relationships, picking a new gang leader won't be too difficult. I told you before right? I would quit the gang for Yo." He was right about those things. Really i am excited that me and Kit got our fathers' blessing but picking a new gang leader, would it really be that easy? Would Phana really WANT to quit the gang so i can be the leader?

"P-P'Forth, wo-would it be possible to just p-pick a different p-person to be the leader?" 

"Sorry baby, it's impossible. Either me and Phana need to become the next leaders, if we don't it will have to be Yo since you aren't from the original family line and i am not going to put my baby brother in a position like that."

"P'Forth, what do you mean he isn't from the original family line?"

"I-i'm adopted. S-sorry for not telling you Yo."

"Hey! Don't apologize, i understand if it's a sensitive topic. But P'Forth, are there really no other ways?"

"There is one but i don't want that one to happen."

"What is it?"

"Well...Phana you explain it to him."

"Forth you suck! Since there is another way for someone to take over the gang...If someone manages to kill the head family, they will get the right to be the next leader."

"Yeah no i don't want that. S-sorry for asking."

"It's okay baby, you can ask me anything." Phana held Yo's hands and kissed the side of his head."Does your wound hurt? You've been standing and walking for quite a while, you should still take it easy." I haven't seen Phana in such a caring manner in a very long time, it feels refreshing honestly and i know that i put my brother in the right hands. Maybe i should put my gang in his hands too, he has changed and maybe he has become a better leader as well. However i don't know if my gang would be so accepting of their ways.

"Uhm...i have an idea? But i don't know if it's allowed..."

"Just say it baby, idea's would be great right now."

"Well...there needs to be one leader but couldn't that just be like a public leader whilst the other would kind of act like an advisor or second in command? Both parties know your former position so they surely won't question it right? And please don't get mad P'Forth but i actually snuck into dad's archive and from what i know, the two gangs work really differently so instead of going with one way, thinking of ways to come to an agreement together would seem like the smarter option." Yo gave us his idea and honestly left me and Phana speachless.

"Ai'Forth, i think his idea might be better than rock paper scissors."

"Yo first off, when did you become so involved into this, second how do you even know what Phana's gang does, third You're a freaking genius!"

"When P'Pha sometimes was asleep or left his phone behind i read his texts from the gang members. Sorry P'Pha please don't be mad i was just trying to help." I looked at Phana and he looked real mad.

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