Chapter 83. Hostage

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Phana's POV

Yo was taking a concerningly long time in the bathroom and i started to get worried, i was asking Forth if he and Yo ate something to make him feel ill but Forth ate the same things as Yo and he was feeling fine so i got out of the car to check on him.

I got in the boys bathroom but didn't see him so i tried calling out to him. "Yo, you in here? You okay baby?" I got no response, but i was sure he went to this bathroom. I looked in the stalls and found them all empty and this is when i started to panic. Where did he go? Did someone take him? I have my men on lookout who should've notified me if anything happened right?

When i turned around and wanted to wash my face to cool down i saw the writing on the mirror which i didn't notice before.

'Yo is with us, meet us together with the Panichiyasawat Heir at XXX at exactly 10PM tonight.', no no no No NO NO NO! THEY FUCKING TOOK HIM! 

I ran back to the car to alert Forth of this. When he heard what happened to his brother he was fuming and Kit was already in tears. Forth sped across the roads to get to Headquarters. I should've blown her head off right fucking then and there, but i gave her some sympathy and mercy because she was my mother. The next time i see her she won't be getting any of that.

During the ride i tried calling AM and Des, the two i had set up for lookout but neither of them picked up their phones, it would be safe to assume they were dead. During work they were required to always answer our calls, if they didn't answer they were either dead or unconsious. So i called Sans and Ross to check the school and the surroundings for any signs of AM, Des or Yo and clean up any evidence of gang activity but not before securing it for research. Kit informed our dads to come to Headquarters and the situation despite having difficulty with talking at the moment.

As we got to headquarters, about 20 minutes away from the school most of our men were there but others had the day off or went to their own homes. I would inform the others later but this couldn't wait. I whistled and soon every member was in the main area giving us all their attention.

"Men! Today approximately 40 minutes ago, my boyfriend and Forth's brother Wayo has been kidnapped!" When hearing this gasps were heard and obvious anger was seen when looking at a few of the other men. Yo was good to everyone, even though we sometimes do questionable things and even our own kind doubts themselves, Yo has been there to talk to them, cheer them up and make them feel secure about their choices and on Forth's side a lot of the people working for him before were around Yo a lot and have probably seen him grow up from a baby, they would definitely be hurt by this. But it is when i saw the reactions of my people that i realised how much of an importance, of an asset Yo is, not just to me but to the whole gang. Yo isn't officially a leader, but he is already seen as one. Not the kind of leading that commands and stands at the front but a kind one that stays behind everyone to push them forward, helping them up when they fall behind.

"The woman who used to be my mother has since leaving us joined a gang up north and they have come back to try and take us down, using Yo as a hostage. Tonight at 10PM me and Forth we will meet her to get him back. I want a team to go with us for security and the others stay on alert while we are gone, the whole gang is her target so make sure you all watch each others backs and stay safe, we will return tonight and we will definitely take Yo back!" They all shouted and cheered with determination.

That woman took Yo away from me and in turn she will get a war. I'm not scared of getting my hands dirty, even if it's the blood of the woman that gave birth to me.


Wayo's POV

"W-where am i?" I asked to nobody in particular as i woke up with a massive headache and my arms feeling cramped and stuck. As the sleep left me and my vision became clear i saw that i was in some sort of half-build building. I was tied to a chair in a gray and broken down building, i could look outside and saw the city below so it would be safe to assume i would be on a 3rd or 4th level of this building. Men with guns and binoculars were on lookout and then i realised that these weren't the men from our gang.

"Oh for fuck sakes, i've been kidnapped." I heaved a sigh. Honestly i am scared but i knew the chances of me and Kit being targeted were always there so i was already mentally prepared for this to happen.

"You catch on quickly do you?" I heard a feminine voice from behind me, i felt a hand linger on my shoulder as a woman walked around me so i could see her. I don't think i have seen her before but she looks familiar.

"H-have we met before." She just shrugged and smiled.

"Don't know, could be. But i know everything about you Wayo."

"Are you perhaps...Phana's mother?" At this she looked genuinly suprised.

"You really figure things out quickly. Yes i WAS his mother, now we aren't anything to each other anymore."

"Why did you take me though? Shouldn't family issues be resolved together with family?"

"Oh but it will Nong'Wayo, you see i plan to meet my 'son' and your brother here in a few hours for a little trade."

"A trade?"

"Yes! I am willing to offer them your safety in turn for your brother's life and your boyfriend his status." W-what, n-no she will not take my brother.

"I d-don't care if you take me hostage or hurt me but if you hurt my brother i w-will take care of you myself." I said with determination i am even suprised of having at this moment.

"Aren't you a brave boy, well there is nothing you can really do. One wrong move and my men will just end your life before they even get the chance of saving you."

"You're an awful mother..."

"I know. I was never made out to be a mother. He is just a child of a forced relationship, and i just want back the years i spent with those awful men." She said and left before i could say anything else.

She won't kill P'Forth, she can't...P'Pha, P'Forth please stay safe and help me soon.

I looked around, trying to find a way to cut loose from these ropes and to escape other than to just jump out of the building. I closely studied the faces of the men guarding me when i saw the face of the guard in the far left corner. He glanced back at me the moment i looked at him and when our eyes locked i felt a sensation of both hope, despair and hurt.



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