Chapter 85. I Like Danger...

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Wayo's POV

All seniors were currently getting their diploma's handed to them as all the others sat in the seats and watched them. Everything happened so fast, one day Ming and I started attending this school and it seemed as if it was already the next day that we heard we will be sophomores after the summer.

"So how does it feel to be Art Ambassador baby?"

"Weird...but i don't think anything changed yet. I am just not looking forward to having a meeting every month."

"I mean atleast you will have me when you go to the meeting."

"If you decide to actually go to the meetings." I huff.

"When you are there i have no reasons not to go." P'Pha smiled sweetly and played with my hand. P'Ging just graduated and for some reason she was set on making me the new Ambassador for the Art faculty together with P'Renée. I am pretty sure Renée will pick either Mantou or Kit as the next ambassador when she graduates next will probably be Kit seeing as P'Mantou is a bit of a lightweight when it comes to decision making, we were already shocked when she told us she chose to date Brian. All of us were expecting them to be fighting over here for the rest of their lives. Nonetheless we were happy for them, even P'Li Tang seemed to have moved on and congratuled the pair. 

It has also been 4 months since the death of P'Pond. He sacrificed his live to save Kit from P'Pha's crazy mother, he died on the spot and there wasn't anything we could do to bring him back. We held the funeral the next day together with the few men who died trying to save me. Kit fell into a depressive episode after that, not wanting to go to school or communicate with anyone. Only me, P'Pha and P'Forth were able to go into his room, the room where his brother stayed while he was with us, but even then Kit didn't utter a single word. Only after 2 weeks he finally started accepting his brother's sacrifice and death and could properly mourn. It still took a few weeks maybe even 2 full months for him to be back to his own self, however he managed and is back to being his cheerful self again. 

P'Pha explained the situation to the principal and was shocked on knowing what happened, originally he was supposed to tell P'Pha that Kit has to drop out for the year and start over again next schoolyear but upon hearing about his crazy mother and the death of P'Pond right in front of his own eyes yet knowing that Kit wants to succeed Kit was allowed to take all his exams and projects in the final month. It was difficult for Kit to keep up with all the work but me and the angels helped him whenever we had time and P'Forth made sure to be there as emotional and mental support, making sure Kit didn't faint from overworking.

P'Pha and P'Forth are really going to graduate next year and after that so will P'Beam and Ai'Ming. There is always good news though, Beam & Ming's siblings will be attending this school this year at the science faculty so we can add more people to our little group to hang out with. 

As for P'Pha and I, things couldn't be any better. Our relationship is stronger than it ever was, i started going to his club once every week which he absolutely loved, i did as well. Seeing P'Pha in his own element, his own world was endearing and hot as hell. We have been experimenting with different 'methods' but i will keep those a secret to others for now. Suprisingly though P'Pha managed to lure our friends into the scene as well, Beam and Ming even sneak in without us, i think at their highest they went 5 out of 7 days, even going as far as buying one of the rooms from P'Pha. Kit is still new to it and very confused but wanted to give it a try, Forth just sighed alot and complained about how 'he can't believe he got himself in this mess', but as his little brother i can see that he actually starts to enjoy it as well. Going to the club more often also meant i got to see Johny, Jason and Simon a lot more. Simon and Jason were still as amazing as always and Johny actualy has plans to get married to his boyfriend in the summer, i made sure to be invited to the wedding, i haven't even met his boyfriend but now i am hearing about Johny getting married i couldn't help but get utterly excited.

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