Chapter 77. Unclear Struggles

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Kit's POV

I am currently sitting in the cafeteria with the Fairy angels, P'Pha, Yo and P'Pond. Pond doesn't attend the school but over the past week he has been visiting me a lot at school, even sitting with me during my art classes sometimes just so we could spend more time together. This is the happiest i have been in a long while, everything between me and P'Forth is going great, i have my brother back after so many years and he is still the kind hearted boy who took care of me when we were younger despite him having somewhat of a cold demeanor surrounding him. I have amazing and supportive friends, despite the angels being very clingy around my brother since he is single and stupidly enough told the angels that he has dated both guys and girls in the past which gave them hope that he would date them if they put in enough effort.

The others, especially the girls have also been looking at my brother a lot and even approach him when it's only me and him, by now everyone knows that we aren't a thing or in a polygamous relationship with P'Forth but that we are in fact blood related brothers. I still remember the monday i came to school and P'Pond visited, i jumped into his arms after not seeing him on sunday and that gave people the wrong idea i guess? He has been staying in my dorm for the past 6 days and i wouldn't mind him staying there but he already explained that he is looking for his own appartment. I was beyond excited when he told us he was permanently moving back to Thailand.

But there is one thing...well two things...okay, two people i am worried about. P'Beam and P'Ming. After the party we still saw P'Ming around and P'Pha has been tutoring P'Beam almost everyday but it looks like P'Beam is avoiding P'Ming. Ming has been very down and a little bit depressed even from Beam distancing himself from Ming and i feel for him, i asked P'Pha if he knew why and just blamed it on the stress P'Beam is feeling due to his exams. I hope they will be alright. P'Ming was so excited about Semester break and bringing P'Beam home with him to meet his parents. Beam already knows P'Ming's parents but this would be the first time he would bring him home as his official boyfriend.

Forth is currently at the Faculty of Business Administration. P'Forth and P'Brian were supposed to have a meeting with the student council about the results from their faculty, seeing as they are their faculty's ambassadors it's kind of their duty. 

Speaking of P'Forth and Semester Break, he promised to take me back to our cabin and i am practically jumping, counting away the days till i get to go back to that beautiful cabin with P'Forth. And we will be staying there for a full week so we can try the other activities and relax a bit more than when we went for my birthday only 1 day, n-not that i didn't enjoy it but it just felt too short. P'Pha also made plans to take Yo to a luxury resort. My brother is going to tour through the country with a few of his friends from the gang. I'm glad he still has friends here, i would feel bad going on break and leaving my brother behind to be bored to death.

2 more days...


Ming's POV

"Ai'First i'm going crazy here."

"Ming calm down, he is taking his re-exams he is probably just too stressed and tired."

"Then should i take him to the hospital? or the doctor perhaphs?"

"Ming...give him some space, wait for the exam period to be over and then talk to him." First sighed and held my shoulders to stop my nerves, which didn't really help a lot but at least i stopped shaking.

Beam has been basically ignoring me ever since the party. Which was almost a week ago! Beam was already acting a bit strange before Kit's party but it just became worse afterwards. He would go to the library early in the morning even before i got the chance to see him and came back late at night and just crashed on the couch or showered and went to bed immediately. Whenever i wanted to talk to him he told me he was either too busy, too tired or he had to leave. Really, i have barely spoken to him in the last 5 days, at first i understood, Beam had to re-take his exams since he failed a few of them, but it was getting ridiculous. Every waking hour he spent at school or the library. I visited him once in the library to check how he was doing but he got angry at me and told me to leave him so he could focus. I was feeling under the weather and was getting really anxious but lately that feeling has changed. I still feel the nerves but the sadness now changed in annoyance and anger. I have taken a few 'jobs' to release some of that pent up anger but it seems that until Beam properly communicates with me again this anger ain't subsiding.

Really. What did i do wrong?! I Try to be there for him, i am supportive of whatever he does, if he needs anything i would give it to him on a silver platter, i will please his every whim but he goes to ignore me just for a re-take?! First and BM have been trying to calm me down throughout the week and it has been working but then i remembered that i wanted to spend my Semester break with Beam but apparently he can't even stand to be in the same room with me for more than an hour.

We barely even sleep in the same bed. On some days that i wander downstairs at 3AM i find him knocked out on the couch, only on those days i am able to carry him to OUR bed and sleep with him. On the other days he has been sleeping in the twins' old room with the excuse of 'not wanting to wake me up'

Beam is currently doing one of his final re-exams but i am here with First waiting for BM and Pitcher to finish their assignment presentation. First and I had to talk to the student council since we are the ambassadors of our faculty and we decided to wait for BM and Pitcher since they would be done soon as well. But my mind keeps drifting back to Beam and what i can do to bring us back together.

I've tried a lot of things. Making him, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Even putting it in his bag with a few notes telling him to take care of his health, rest and of course the typical 'i love you'. But the most i got was a text with a short and formal 'Thank you'.

That night i decided to make things clear with Beam, no matter how tired he was we had to work this out and if he didn't feel like it or he was too tired to talk it out...

then this relationship is clearly over.

then this relationship is clearly over

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