Chapter 10. According to plan

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Phana's POV

Wayo is Forth's little brother! Why does this happen to me, why now, why him!? I definitely want Yo but not enough to become Forth's brother-in-law. I'd rather kill myself. But what do i do now? If that asshole Forth finds out i like Yo, he will do everything to keep me away from him...but what if let Yo come to me? Suddenly a wicked thought crossed my mind. I grin evilly. This would be the way i could finally get rid of Forth and get free reign. I would hit him where it hurts, his family. His dad wasn't touchable but feeble and small Yo was just right there. At the end of this, Yo will be my perfect little boy and Forth will be crawling behind me.

Ging announced to everyone that Yo and Nate will be representing the Faculty of Fine Arts for the competition and the Moon and Star training starts today. I know because they asked me to supervise but i had no reason to, however now i do. 

"Now everyone i know you guys don't have a lot of classes today so you can look at the Moon and Stars training. It will be at the practice site, North of the Faculty of Medicine. So it's about 10 minutes away from our faculty. You will be allowed to look at the practice ONLY today, on other days you can onl y watch them from outside the hall. Of course without interrupting the training. Nate, Yo. You guys will have to be at the site in an hour. So be on time. Punctuality is key for Young moons and stars." Ging continued her speach. The moon and star plus the seniors were allowed to leave now, so i took that time to initiate my 'plan'. 

"Yo. Uhmm...Can i give you a ride? I want to talk." I said trying to come over as insecure, maybe trying a sweeter aproach was the way to get to Yo. But he looked like he enjoyed getting on his knees and begging for forgiveness yesterday. Maybe that is a side for me to get out of him. Not maybe, that is a side that i will get out of him.

"Uhmm. I don't know. I can just walk P'Pha or just ask my brother." Why does he feel the need to mention that annoying brother of his.

"Please? I won't do anything. I just want to talk, that's all. Besides i'm one of the supervisors for the Moons and Stars this year."

"Oh, i guess it's fine then, thank you." I nodded and gave him a smile, ushering him over to my car.

"Yo, i'm sorry. Sorry about how i treat you and how i treat KIt. But you need to know that there is a reason i treat Kit like this."

"What? What reason would be so bad for you to literaly torture him?"

"He broke up the family..."

"W-what? Kit did?"

"Yes, not intentionally but he did."

"How? What happened?" He asked with a shaky breath.

"When Kit joined the family, my father was infatuated with him. It was like i wasn't even his child anymore just someone to follow up his business. And my mom just felt as ignored i guess and left us. The night before she left us i heard her and my dad yelling and arguing, saying that he loves their son more than her, i don't blame her but leaving us...leaving me, was something i could only see as cowardace and weak." I say, my voice filled with slight annoyance and anger, it was weird for me to suddenly confess this part of my past to someone...even if only a part of it is true.

"I-i didn't know..."

"Of course you didn't, nobody knew. Not even Kit. He just thought mom left, not knowing that he was at fault, just trying to live his own happy life whilst our family was being broken apart. I had to do something to relieve some of my aggrevation. Or i might take it out on a sub and i don't want that." He looked at me sort of sympathetically but he had a confused look as i finished.

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