Chapter 3. The brothers

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Wayo's POV

After my encounter with that guy I continued to go outside, I noticed all the kids sitting on the different bleachers and looked for the flag with 1A on it. I found it and everyone was still talking amongst themselves, it looks like the meeting hasn't started yet. I rushed to an empty spot and quietly sat down, but I noticed the people around me staring at me. I gave quick glances to them and shrunk in my seat. The boy next to me tapped my shoulder and I looked at him, he looked at me in awe.

"Uhm, H-Hi?" I timidly greeted, making the other 4 people squeal and talk to each other.

"He's so cute."

"His skin is so white."

"His voice is so light. It's adorable."

"Ai, be quiet. You're making the boy uncomfortable." The guy who tapped my shoulder said to his friends and I showed him a smile as I was holding back my laughter.

"Say, what products do you use to keep your skin so pretty and white. What make up do you have on?"

"None?" He gasped dramatically and held a hand over his heart.

"Natural? I just can't. You're perfect. My name is Monty. The fat bitch behind you is E'Elephant, the twins over there that want to eye rape you are E'Jay and E'Zee. And the girly girl next to E'Fatty is E'Chicken. Our group is called the Fairy Angel gang because we are the fairest of them all. What's your name?"

"M-my names Wayo, but you can call me Yo. Nice to meet you." I said with a smile, happy that I am able to meet some new people, even if they seem somewhat...unique.

We talked a bit whilst we were waiting for the Faculty ambassador to come and start the speech. These fairy angels are really loud and sometimes say stuff that I can't understand but they are generally nice people that can make me laugh. I'm glad I already made some new friends. I told them how I have been homeschooled and they promised me to take me into the city once we are on our next break which I am really looking forward too. Finally everything was starting to quiet down so I assumed that the Faculty ambassador arrived, I looked up to see a guy, probably a senior with round glasses, a bowl cut and a flower patterned long fit tee shirt standing there with another student who was this freshman probably around my Hight, maybe even an inch shorter than me. He was rubbing his arm that had a bruise on it and his hand was bandaged. They were talking and the senior led the smaller boy to a seat right in between me and the twins. He looked down and really anxious. Did the injury on his arm just happen? I wanted to ask him but just as I wanted to tap him on the shoulder, the other guy started talking.

"Hello? Everyone here? Sorry I'm late by the way. So Welcome everyone to the faculty of the fine arts, my name is Ging. But please don't call me P' call me Sis or Jae instead." He said as he flipped his semi short hair. The angels started applauding and soon everyone else on the bleachers joined in making Jae'Ging hold her hand on his chest with a smile, showing how he's flattered. He put up his hand to quiet us down again and he continued the speech. "Thank you for your wonderful applause but we need to continue, you all probably still need to get settled and want to explore campus. But there are a few more things we need to discuss. So first off, I am the Ambassador of the faculty of Fine Arts, I major in Drama and Stage. I'm a 4th year student here but I am also the counselor for the Art Faculties. So if you have any problems or things you want me to tell or you want to discuss, come to me, no worries. I will try my best to help you all. Okay?" He said and everyone just said a yes or nodded, I was listening but I was still distracted by the boy next to me and the guy I just ran into in the hallway, I hated the way he spoke to me but I can't help remembering it. For some reason it was oddly natural. I think if it was anyone else I would've probably kicked them in the shin but I could only listen to him and obey as he told me to apologize. Does he go to this faculty as well? Will I see him again? Is he the one who beat up the boy next to me, is he doing that to people who don't listen to him? Oh god! I'm getting frustrated. And I don't even know his name.

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