Chapter 48. Panic!

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Phana's POV

It was as if my world was crumbling down, the light in my eyes started to dim and my itch to kill was overbearing. I was so excited to see my baby again and the ache in my heart i felt when i saw him drop to the floor almost made me do the same.

"YOO!" I screamed and ran towards him and cradled his head and inspected his body. He had a bullet shot on the side of his stomach, luckily he wasn't hit in a vital spot, i took off my shirt and wrapped it tightly around the wound to try and prevent too much blood loss.

"Yo...Yo, can you hear me? Yo! Answer me!" I lightly slapped his face to get a response, i was in pure distress and about to cry. I can't lose him now. I just got him back!

"Someone call the ambulance!" I shouted but everyone seemed to be frozen at what just happened.

"SOMEONE CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE BEFORE I KILL EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKING SCHOOL!" I roared yet nobody did anything until Beam told me he got it and the ambulance was on their way. I glared at Pring who was currently unconsiously laying on the ground. Ming was the one who knocked her out. She will suffer for this...I will have her head. 

"P'P..ha..." A soft gentle voice croaked. I would've almost missed it as it was so quiet. His eyes fluttered open but i could see how difficult it was for him to keep them open.

"Yo. Baby. Please stay with me. D-don't close your eyes. I'm here for you." I grabbed his hand with my free hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I heard the sirenes of the ambulance and police in the distance.

"Yo they're almost here. Stay with me okay?" I placed a kiss on the back of his hand, it was to reassure him but also to calm myself down. He smiled softly at me before closing his eyes again. 'No no no nononononoNO! Yo don't die in me. You can't leave me behind!' 

I could feel tears wanting to come out but i tried to hold them in. The ambulance and police arrived and took Yo to the hospital and Pring to the station. I was about to go to my car to drive to the hospital but then i remembered that Kit was here as well. He saw what happened. Uh oh. I searched for Kit and found him after a few minutes back in their classroom in the corner behind the door. He was balled up and was frantically talking to himself while hyperventilating. 'He's having a panic attack.'

"Beam call Forth immediately!" I shouted to Beam and knelt down to talk to Kit.

"Kit! Kit! it's me, P'Pha. Calm down. They aren't here anymore. You're safe." I untangled his arms and hugged him against me tightly. He started trashing, punching, biting and pushing me. I tried soothing him but it didn't work, instead he started sobbing as well as screaming.

"Let me go!" 

"Don't hurt m-me!"

"P-please stop!"

"Papa p-please stop!"

"M-mama i'm sorry!"

"" Pond? Haven't i heard that name before? 

Kit was still screaming and crying as he was trying to move away from me. The door behind up opened and i was relieved to see that Forth was finally here.

"What happened!? Kit, baby!" I moved aside and Forth took my place, after almost half an hour Kit seemed to have calmed down, i was still pacing back and forth thinking about Yo right now.

"Is he okay now?" I asked Forth regarding Kit.

"Yeah he is. He is sleeping right now but we might need to bring him to the hospital for a check up. I don't want to take any risks you know. And if it happens again they will be able to help Kit better than me."

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