Chapter 32. Us two

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Kit's POV

I was worried after seeing my brother's face in such a condition but what I feared more was Forth's anger. He did a pretty good job of keeping his emotions in check but when it is about his family he has a bit of a harder time to stay calm. I was glad that P'Forth approved of P'Pha and gave him another chance. My brother has never been this serious about anyone, not even the gang. Yes, even I know that he pushes off most of the work to the gang members so actually taking a beating from the person he hates the most just for one person means he is pretty damn serious about that one person.

I really hate my brother, at least that's what I thought...He is in a situation kind of like me. I'm afraid of almost anything and anyone, I have a learning disorder and a stutter so I was never keen on meeting new people but Yo made me feel comfortable wherever I went and P'Forth...He has been showing me love. Love I never got, love that I can't describe the feeling off. P'Forth makes the world feel like a safe place as long as I am with him. Because of him I am changing, my stutter has become better and less noticeable, sometimes when I talk to P'Forth I can even say some sentences without even stuttering. But when I'm scared or nervous the stutter is still apparent. I actually talk to people in my class now and show them my paintings because if I get hurt and fall to the ground, I know P'Forth is there to pick me up. Yo is to P'Pha what P'Forth is to me. Only P'Pha uses Hookups, Anger and Control to make up for the lack of love, sometimes I do feel guilty. After all Mom left because of me, Papa only shows me kindness because I am too fragile to take over the gang, however Papa still loves Phana but he doesn't see that. Papa just wants P'Pha to be a good leader to the gang. No matter how many times I got beat I could never bring myself to tell dad what P'Pha did to me, because I didn't want to make P'Pha think his dad picked me over him. But now that Yo can show him what real love is he can finally become the Phana that he really wants to be.

Both of us are breaking out of our shell and becoming a better us. I used to hate him but when I opened my eyes I could see him suffer the same way I did, how could I hate someone who knows my suffering, someone who needs a source of comfort and reassurance just like me. And after that hug I knew things were definitely going to become better for us.

I thought that giving P'Forth a call would be a good idea, just to see how he was handling the situation. I ringed and after a few rings he picked up...rather annoyed that is.

"What!?" I actually flinched back from the tone he used, I'm still not used to P'Forth yelling at me.

"U-uhm, P-P'Forth. I-it's me."

"Oh baby, I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you. I didn't scare you right?"

"I-I'm okay P'. It o-only startled me a b-bit."

"Sorry stutterbug, the whole situation with Yo and Ai'Pha just pissed me off."

"I u-understand. Want me t-to come over?"

"Honestly, that sounds amazing. I really need you right now." A wave of warmth spread over my body. Knowing that I am actually needed by someone made me feel alive again and caused me to smile.

"W-where are you right now P'? I'll h-head d-do-down there right now."

"No no no! Don't worry, I'll come over to you. I wouldn't let you walk alone to my faculty, it's too far. I can just drive my bike back to the dorms, you are still at the dorm right?"

"Y-yes P'. I'm in f-front of Yo's room right n-no-now."

"Okay stay where you are cutie, I'm on my way." I giggled and nodded even thought P'Forth couldn't see me over the phone.

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