Chapter 76. My brother, the hero.

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Kit's POV

"-it...Kit...Kit...Kit!" In the distance i could hear my name being called until the voice was suddenly very close. It only dawned on me later that P'Forth and Yo were calling out to me. With a bit of hesitance due to the bright lights i eventually managed to open my eyes.

"Where a-am i?" I asked hoarsly.

"Beam's Appartment, you passed out."

"Wh-what? W-why?"

"Uhm...That would be because of me?" I hear someone speaking next to me, i turn my head around to face the owner of the voice and it dawned on me what happened before i passed out. "I should've known this was a bad idea. You probably are disgusted by me, i should go. I'm sorry." My brother stood up from his kneeling position and was about to walk away but i just managed to grab his hand in time.

"Please don't go." I croacked out, i could feel my cheeks becoming wet but it didn't even come to me that i was crying. I just met my brother again after almost 7 years, i don't want to let him go again. Not yet. I want to know him, where he has been, what happened in those 7 years.

He looked at me with tears filling his eyes and nodded with a tight smile, trying to keep his tears in. He sat back on his knees next to the couch i was laying on and gentle put his hand on the back of my hand. Slowly he pulled me closer and placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling me into a hug. 

"I missed you so much Kit." My brother mumbled with his face pressed into my shoulder, i could feel my shirt getting wet and just like that, i was crying again. I tightly wrapped my arms around my big brother, the person who raised me better than my parents, who gave me love when i was told i don't deserve it, my idol, my hero. 

After our sobbing was finally subdued, i unwrapped my arms from around my brother's neck and looked at him, both of us still smiling. He changed a lot but there is no way i could ever forget the face of my brother. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, he was a lot taller than i remember, his face was defined and lost the baby fat he still had when we were younger, his hair has become a bit lighter, just like my own hair it became a bit brighter with some ginger locks in his brown hair over the years.

"You really grew up to be a handsome boy Kit." He said pinching my cheek. I giggled as he did so and stood up to hug him again. Only now i realised that the people were still here and they were all cheering and applauding as i hugged my brother.

The party continued, i got a few gifts from our friends, i managed to open up and talk to everybody without stuttering as much. Basically everyone here knew about my stutter and didn't really care so i felt more at ease and was able to talk a bit smoother. My brother told me what he has been up to in the past 7 years, he went to China, followed an education in business economics, did some travelling for school. However he has never been back to thailand in all those travels. I didn't want to go in to it because it would drop the mood of the party but he told me he would explain everything after the people left, i simply believed him and waited patiently for everyone to leave. The only people that stayed at the end of the party were P'Forth, P'Pha, Ming, Yo and Beam. We basically had to kick out the Angels and Li Tang and Brian because they kept sticking to me, whilst the angels kept touching P'Pond thinking he is still single...which he might, i'm not sure about that but being with one of the angels couldn't possibly bring any good.

"So...what do you want to know?" He slapped his tighs as he sat down next to me on the couch, our other friends looking at us expectantly.

"E-everything, did you know what h-happened to our family, wha-what happened to Art (A/N. his other brother), he was w-w-with you that night as well. How did you even get to China? How did you m-manage to find me or P'Pha at that? Is-s s-someone trying to kill you?"

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