Chapter 62. Stage planning

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Ming's POV

I had a bit of free time during 6th period and i was bored, BM, First and Pitcher all had their classes and Beam told me he had to study for the upcoming exams since he has been distracted too much already with all this stuff going on after the competition.

So i decided to visit Forth, i'm pretty sure he has a free hour now as well. After the 5 minute drive to his faculty i tried to go to the communal rooms like the library, pc room or his usual study room. He must be in the latter since these are the only places he spends his time in between classes, unless of course he is getting food or on a date with Kit or something. Shoot! Maybe he is at Kit's faculty...I'll just call him to check if he isn't in the study room. 

As i walked up the stairs, i saw the man i was looking for coming down the stairs with a not so friendly expression.

"Oh, P'Forth!" He just glanced at me once but didn't stop descending the stairs. Feeling a bit strange i walked down the stairs with him to stop him from storming off with that glare on his usually happy face. 

"Hey P'Forth is something the matter?" I ask but he ignores me and keeps walking, i went ahead to grab his shoulder and without being able to even blink, i was being slammed into the closest wall.

"I'm not in the greatest mood Ming! Could you fuck off for a second!" He hissed through gritted teeth and for the first time since probably ever, i looked at P'Forth in pure fear, not just some shivering or shock. Absolute fear. The time i told him about Beam sleeping with Gookhai doesn't even compare to the anger shown on his face, the way he pronounces my name with venom even though we have been best friends for years.

You might think i am pathetic for being scared of my friend, as i am supposed to be the Head of the Thai maffia, but this is quite a big shock for me. I know what P'Forth is capable of when he is mad and i don't want to get on that side of him. So it just might be the best idea right now to give him some breathing space.

I guess P'Forth saw the fear in my eyes because his features softened and he gently let go of my shirt collar, mumbling a barely audible apology before he walked off again. I have no idea what just happened but i need to figure out what it was. Yet the first thing that i did was warn Beam through a text.

''Beam, something happened to P'Forth. When i tried to approach him, i was shoved into the wall and i was sure he was going to beat the hell out of me in a few seconds. Stay away from him for a while, let him calm down. I'm going to find out what happened.''

I put my phone back in my pocket and went up to P'Forths study room, maybe someone is there that bothered him or he left something that can give me some information. The closer i got to his study room, i could hear sounds coming from it. It sounded like muffled cries and sniffling. I pushed the door of the small room, the room was just big enough to fit 4 desks and chairs. It all looked fairly clean and unsuspicious at first but i could clearly hear the cries coming from this room. It wasn't until i walked into the room and closed the door that i found N'Kit cradling himself as he was curled up in a ball and sobbing.

"Kit? Are you okay?" He didn't seem to have heard me, or he was just ignoring me, wanting to be left alone. Maybe the two of them had a falling out, but would those two have a falling out to this extent? As i was trying to approach Kit, i got a reply from Beam so i read that first.

''Wayo and Kit kissed, Phana saw it, told Forth about it. So Pha and Forth are rampaging right now whilst N'Yo is guilt tripping himself. Do you know how Kit is doing?''

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