Chapter 9. My sub, Is his brother...

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Phana's POV

I came to school with a massive headache, i went a little too far last night i think. Drinking too much before a schoolday is a stick up in the ass. I would usually just skip class if i was hungover but Ging forced me to come to the Faculty moon result reveal, of course i could've said no but i actually wanted to see that little kid from before again. I don't even remember what happened to the girl i fucked yesterday. I know she left before i went to sleep but i can't remember her face. All i saw was that boy. Wayo.

My phone started ringing as i was walking to the auditorium. I groaned annoyed and answered with a fitting voice and sentence. "You have about 10 seconds to explain who you are and what you want before i will kill either you or myself."

"You killing yourself would make life easier for so many people, but i guess your dad would be sad."

"Uhh, Hi N'Beam. Why do you call this early."

"What do you mean early, our faculty just got done picking their moon and star. Why weren't you here? You were the faculty and campus moon 2 years ago, Hell even the 4th year Faculty moon was here."

"Couldn't be bothered. Hungover."

"What did you do this time. You always pull stupid shit when you're drunk."

"I drank, I partied, whipped a few subs, played russian roulette, fucked a girl, imagined the girl was Yo, send her away...probably. I didn't kill her did i? No i didn't, not this time."

"P'Pha i've told you to stop playing that stupid roulette shit, it's dangerous."

"Nong Beam, i know you are usually acting as my voice of reason but i don't think you can pull me away from this one, that game is my drug. You don't understand. The risk of dying, the fear in your opponents eyes, the hard cold metal barrel of the gun pointed right at you as if you're looking death right in the eyes, the mettalic smell of metalic blood as it flows out of your opponents lifeless body. It's beautiful. Especially if they come to you and beg for something like money. I tell them they will get it if they win but they never do. That small spark of hope and gratefulness being taken away as i just smugly look at them, knowing that i lead that into their demise and untimely death." I sigh contently. Reliving that feeling of pure extacy.

"Okay so i'm going to ignore you psychotic high for a moment and ask, why the fuck did you think of Yo when sleeping with a girl?" I was suprised he even knew that Yo wasn't the name of a girl. Maybe he even knew who Yo was but i'm going to ignore that for now because i am in too much pain to think.

"I want him Beam. I want him over my knees. I want him begging. I want him broken. I want to own him. He needs to be mine, and i'll get him. No matter what."

"P'Pha do you really want him as your sub? Like your own sub?" 

I nodded but he couldn't see me so i hummed in agreement as a response. There were plenty of people, both in the club or at school who wanted to be my subs. Even the people i already sleep with frequently wanted to, expect Pring. Pring wants to be my girlfriend but shes out of luck. I'm only keeping her because shes desperate for me, and that is what i like to see. Plus her being the most popular and 'prettiest' girl on campus basically tells students that i can get everyone i want.

"But can you love him? You know having a sub means that you have a relationship. He won't be just someone you can use and throw away."

"Nong Beam are you really telling a The owner of the biggest/only BDSM club in the city, A Dom, how a D/s relationship works?"

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