Chapter 24. Plan: Realize

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This feeling is something i have never felt before, i have never felt so hot and excited before. My body was tingling whenever he touched me, leaving a trail of that burning sensation on my skin with his fingers. His mouth trying to suck out my life through those skillful movements. It was my first time making out with someone, i always saw it as gross and weird, i never knew it could feel so...addicting. 

His voice was hypnotizing and his eyes mesmerizing. My body was moving to his wishes and i no longer had any control over myself. I was lost in lust and desire i never knew i had in me. I was confused whenever he called me pet but for some reason i liked it, it was like a nickname. A nickname that actually started to get me in the mood.

I don't understand any of this, this was all new to me. One moment he was so rough and passionate and then P'Pha was so gentle and loving. I did not know what to do, how to act. So him actually telling me what to do actually helped me with this experience. We didn't even have sex yet so i am only wondering how amazing that will feel. 

All i can do now is go with the flow, trust P'Pha and follow his lead. He was now in control of my body and mind and i felt okay with that. It felt relieving. I didn't have to worry about what to do and what to think because P'Pha took control of my actions so i would do things he would most likely enjoy and i wouldn't embarrass myself or displease him with my inexperience.

As i took off his pants the only thing i could think of was that his little, not so little junior is not going to fit inside me. Because with how i am and how P'Pha is there is no way i am going to be the top. But his ermm...thing, was almost the same lenght as my head and it was quite girthy, not thick enough that i had to open my mouth as wide as i could but i had a small mouth so i still had to feel a bit of strain in my jaws when i sucked him off. I didn't know what do do, i just tried to stick it all in my mouth and then i suddenly gagged. When i pulled away tears were already forming in my eyes, both from the gagging and from the embarrassment. P'Pha probably thinks that i am an idiot, i don't even know how to give a blowjob so he must also think i am too immature for sex.

So when P'Pha comforted me and told me those sweet things like i am perfect and that he has faith in me to not dissapoint me, i felt butterflies awaken in my stomach. His eyes were so sincere. So full of pride, love and warmth. I was lost in his eyes and my feelings kept drawing me closer to this man. In just one week he has made me feel like i am on top of the world.

Some people actually tried beating me up a few times but P'Pha was always there afterwards to take care of me and i gladly let him. I usually hate other people taking care of me or doing something for me out of pity but P'Pha looked so genuine whenever i was with him. He never tried to hurt me and when i came to the site bruises and a bit dirty he looked actually concerned and worried. One time he actually saw me get hurt and he punched the guy knock out right there. Just one punch to the face and P'Pha had him out on the ground. I guess that there is a reason people fear P'Pha not only because of his status.

Yes, P'Pha told me he is from a gang family as well and i am okay with it, he knows about my family and accepted me so it would be kind of hypocritical of me to reject him because of it. P'Pha has his moments though where he loses the warmth and comfort and turns cold and authoritive? if that is the word for it. But whenever he does i just want to follow him and do whatever he tells me to. It scared me at first when he yells at other people who i know now are his 'minions' or his dad's men but it's different when he uses it on me. He doesn't yell at me and instead is very calm. From a different perspective it might seem like he just doesn't like me but i can see in his eyes that he treats me like this because he wants me. He wants to be with me, and now he has me. I'm his boyfriend and i couldn't be happier.

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