Chapter 6. Human KitKat

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Ming's POV

I need to help this little guy quickly. "First, i'll take him to the infirmary, Take my phone and tell Minute where i am. Beam can you carry his bag and mine for me."

"Uhh...Sure." Beam and First did as i asked them as i lifted the boy bridal style and took him to the Faculty nurse. Luckily he was a bit on the shorter and lighter side so i had no issue carrying the junior all the way to the nurse's office. He didn't seem to be bleeding anywhere but if he even broke the smallest bone in his little body i will hunt down that guy and personally break every single bone in his body.

I got to the nurse's and carefully laid down the little guy and explained to the nurse what happened. She told us to wait while she examined Kit. I was pacing the hallways with Beam just sitting down on a seat.

"Ming. Why are you this worried about someone you just met."

"I don't know, i just am. I can't really explain it."

"Well then you better get used to it..." Beam sighed.

"Why is that?"

"That little guy in there is Phana's younger brother, he hates him. And you know how it goes here."

"If Phana hates you, half the school hates you. I know, i know. But doesn't that seem a bit too cruel? I mean they are family aren't they. And does he know this happens to him?"

"Yep, he even tells people to hurt Kit if Kit did something to piss him off." So his name is Kit? Such a cute name for such a cute boy. Wait, i need to calm down. I've only seen him once and he hasn't even seen me, he already passed out before i came to him. But i just can't remove the image of his adorable face even though it was bruised and puffy. 

"And you are okay with this because?" I asked Beam somewhat annoyed. He knew this was happening and did nothing about it.

"It's not that i am okay with it, but there is nothing i can do about it."

"Aren't you P'Phas friend? Can't you tell him something?"

"I can only stop him from going to far." 

"AND YOU DON'T THINK THIS IS 'GOING TO FAR'." I yelled out angrily, startling Beam. But the flinch turned into the same frustration i used against him. Beam stood up and i could see him taking a deep breath.

"I DON'T SEE YOU DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! You knew just as long as me all of this happens every day with a lot of students, but what do you do? NOTHING! Besides you should have more power here than me shouldn't you? Or what scared that people will know what you really are?!"

"Beam...i'm warning you."

"What are you going to do? Kill me? Just like how you did with Apo in high sch-" Before Beam could finish his sentence I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Our faces only inches apart and if looks could kill he would be just a bloodsplatter on the wall. And i'm sure Beam saw it the same way, he was dead silent. His eyes shaking, no longer in anger but in fear. But he should know this is a sensetive topic and he should never fucking dig it up.

"Don't talk about things you know nothing about, now leave before i do something i regret."

"W-why aren't you hitting me like you normally hit others." Beam asked a bold question in his position, like he actually wanted to get punished for his actions.

"Because i don't want to hurt the person i had once fallen for..." There was a second of silence while Beam was processing the words i just spoke, when he realised what i said his eyes flashed something i couldn't recognize. I loosened my grip and just like that he ran away. The same way i imagined him running away from me if i ever confessed to him.

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