Chapter 55. Hello Father

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Ming's POV

"Come with me sir, you seem exhausted." I knelt next to Pring's dad after he had finally calmed down, seeing him murder his own daugther in front of my own eyes felt...therapeutic. Still, dealing the final blow myself would've been great as well but this result was way more satisfactory. 

"Y-yeah, i guess i am." Sure you could say her family was innocent in all this, which they were, but i couldn't have them causing trouble for me and my friends because her daughter was in jail, you need to be extra careful when it involves the rich and powerful. And now, i have another pawn to use, i didn't have an insurance guy yet.

I led him out the door and went upstairs for a moment to let one of my guys show him to a bedroom. If he didn't sleep he would probably drive himself insane, who am i kidding. He is going insane anyways, and it will slowly break his mind until he can't control himself anymore. This is why i called him a pawn instead of a member of the mafia, they work for me but they have their own minds and wills. But this guy is going to lose his soon. 

Going back in the room in the basement i looked at the mess on the floor. 4 dead bodies because of 1 little mistake. I squated down next to Pring's body and looked at her misfigured face, her own father really did a number on her. I would say about 18 stab wounds? 4 on the face and the cut i made her do herself. Blood pooling underneath her. I closed her eyelids and went to look at the rest of her family. Her older brother, he was brave, stupid but his bravery is admirable. In the long run it would've been better to kill the father and to keep him alive because he would probably be the head of his father's company after he dies but he was too bothersome.

Her mother was indeed a beautiful lady for her age and she did want to protect her family yet saw she was too vulnerable to do anything. Such a shame really, Pring would really betray the woman who gave birth to her and cared for her. Heartless, even for my standards. Yet thinking back on how the blood gushed out of her chest when her daughter stabbed her right in the heart, physically and emotionally brings a smirk to my face.

However that smirk dissapears when i look at the younger victim, the boy was only 14. Killing children and innocent women always left a sour taste in my mouth after i got down from the initial high even when i am not even the one actually killing them so i usually refrain from killing children but this couldn't be helped. If i would've let him live, his father wouldn't break and if i let him live instead of his father he would have nowhere to go. His families money would've been taken by us and he would be left on the streets, we could take him in but he would just grow up to rebel against me and eventually try to kill me once he's old enough. It has happened to my dad before so i won't risk it...

"Bryce, bring the two boys and the mother's body to be cremated and have the ashes thrown out over the sea, let the butcher get Pring's body and get someone to clean up the room."

"Of course Sir."

"I'm going back home, message me when everything is done."

"You're going back to the Don?"

"No, i'm going back to my boyfriend." I say with a brief smile as i wave him goodbye and greet the others upstairs, going back to Beam's appartment afterwards.

I went to my room at the end of the hall, took a quick shower and changed back in my school clothes and left my suit wear here to get cleaned up, i can't really go back to Beam with a blood stained suit. It might've looked like i was only busy for less than an hour but my little session with Pring and her family was an all nighter and it was already time for me to pick Beam up for school.


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